Monthly Archives: January 2011

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday, campers! It’s a gorgeous day in America, so, let’s go with a bit of an upscale pinup today. This one is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 The Other McCain digs into the details of the New Hampshire GOP straw […]

Theme Of Obama’s SOTU: Jobs, Jobs, And…Look, A Shiny Quarter

If you haven’t heard yet, Obama’s going to go all centristy, and talk about jobs, jobs, jobs (which will then be followed by his typical AADD) Obama to Press Centrist Agenda in His Address President Obama will outline an agenda for “winning the future” in his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, striking […]

New Era Of Civility Obviously Ignored In Good Liberal Los Angeles

Ever notice these types of stories almost never occur in Conservative strongholds? A fatal hit-and-run in Hawthorne left one man dead, a good Samaritan injured by another car when she attempted to help, and the motorist who stopped to check on her after allegedly striking her beaten and robbed by a mob of bystanders. The […]

Warmist Brent Budowsky Thinks World Is 100 Years Old

That jibes humorously with the headline: Right wing denies facts, ignores science, helps reelect Obama Recently we learned that 2009 was tied for the warmest year in the history of the planet. The last decade was the warmest decade in the history of the planet. This week we learned that House Republicans want to raise […]

Graffiti Threatens Ca. Gov. Jerry Brown With Death On Valentine’s Day

Obviously, this is the work of the TEA Party/Conservatives Both Santa Ana police and Gov. Jerry Brown’s security detail on Friday are trying find out who wrote graffiti on two walls threatening to kill the new governor on Valentine’s Day. The graffiti, which threatened the governor and included a Nazi swastika, was discovered Thursday and […]

Will Obama Push Climate Alarmism During State Of The Union?

That’s what The Politico is wondering, saying that the Alarmist-(who keeps his thermostat really high, drives in massive gas guzzlers, and takes many unnecessary fossil fueled airplane trips)-In-Chief is being pressured to do just that In two previous big speeches on Capitol Hill, President Barack Obama planted global warming and energy near the top of […]

Will Defense Department Cuts Doom Our Air Superiority?

Today’s must read comes from Bruce McQuain at The Washington Examiner (make sure to also check out Bruce’s posts at Q&O, a blog I have long read) “There has not been a single soldier or Marine who lost his life in combat due to a threat from the air in over 56 years.” Let that […]

Oh, Great, Now Obama Is Literally Robbing Banks

Is there nothing the man won’t stoop to? Say, isn’t that the president with a gun in his hand? Actually, no, but it sure looks like it. Austrian authorities are searching for a bank robber who uses an unusual disguise: He wears a Barack Obama mask during his holdups. Oh, sorry, not actually Obama. Just […]

States Look Towards Bankruptcy To Avoid Crushing Debt

I’ve mentioned many times the dire straights the States are in economically, mostly thanks to liberal policies (they aren’t solely to blame, though. Republican overspending is a part, too). The NY Times is finally noticing this, too. Interestingly, they never mention that the majority of States in really, really bad shape have been mostly run […]

Whew! Top 10 Leading GOP Contenders Are Mostly On The “Screw The Climate” Side

Our old pall Lisa Hymas is back to inform us about 10 GOP presidential contenders, 10 different ways to screw the climate. This is a break from her normal hyperbole, typically about being a GINK (green inclinations, no kids), how having kids (known as little carbon footprints) is bad, a focus on population being bad, […]

Pirate's Cove