Category Archives: Global Warming

Climate Defiance Wackos “Ask” Cackles Harris To Be The Climate Candidate Or Something

Always demanding that other people do stuff that puts the government dominance on other people A climate activist group’s 8 asks for Harris A climate activist group is urging Vice President Kamala Harris to lean into a “bold climate candidacy” as she sprints toward the November presidential election. Climate Defiance, an organization that made waves […]

If All You See…

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds that could be a carbon pollution driven hurricane, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on the media going wacko over Cackles Harris being “border czar”.

Yout Groups Want Kamala To Take Away Their Money And Freedom For ‘Climate Change’

Why can’t they all just practice what they preach instead of forcing their beliefs on everyone else? Youth groups urge Kamala Harris to hold the line on climate change policy Young climate campaigners are urging Kamala Harris not to soften her position on global warming in a bid to win over swing voters as she […]

UN Chief Appeals For Governments To Take Away Freedoms To Solve ‘Climate Change’

Funny how the people who make the most noise about Doing Something about the climate crisis (scam) are the least likely to make any changes in their own life, and many have much, much bigger carbon footprints than the average 1st Worlder UN chief appeals for global action to tackle deadly extreme heat People everywhere […]

If All You See…

…is a river rising dozens of feet from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Cackles Harris being “the Brat”.

‘Climate Change’ Is Causing Decision Fatigue Or Something

Well, well, well, the cult came up with something new Climate Change Causing You Decision Fatigue? Try a Map | Opinion Climate change is creating uncertainty. Decisions on everything from trip planning, given unusual and extreme weather patterns, to how to reduce personal carbon emissions, are complex. Just consider choices around how people travel. Biking […]

Climate Wackos Sue Britain Over Government Climate Crisis (scam) Plan

It just never seems to be enough for the climate nuts. Sadly, no one asks them if they are practicing what they preach Britain’s climate change plan challenged in landmark court Britain failed to set proper objectives in its climate adaptation strategy, environmental campaigners argued on Tuesday in a case which relies on a landmark […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful rentable electric bike which should be what Everyone Else should have to use, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post explaining how hot it really wasn’t on Sunday.

Climate Wackos Say Putting ‘Climate Change’ In Movies Is Like Preaching Against Slavery

Climate cranks are still upset that the movie Twisters ignores preaching about global boiling. How dare a director and all the rest involved want to just make a good movie that a lot of people will come see because they know they won’t be Preached at (Via Watts Up With That?) ‘It affects everything’: why […]

Doom: Climate Cult Decides Sunday Was The Hottest Day Ever!

It’s the hottest in recorded history, don’t you know World logs hottest day since records began — with fresh highs expected in the coming months The world’s average temperature climbed to its highest level ever recorded on Sunday, according to the European Union’s climate monitor. The EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) found that the global average […]

Pirate's Cove