Monthly Archives: October 2009

Testing A New Captcha Plugin

WP Captcha-Free is only tested up to WP 2.8.4, I am running 2.8.5, so, want to see if it will work. Essentially, you will not see any sort of challenge. If you could, leave a comment, whatever you want, as a test. Thanks. More: nope, that one sucks, errors out every time for me when […]

Attempted Honor Killing In Arizona

Religion of Peace Noor Almaleki’s lifestyle would not strike many Americans as unusual. The 20-year-old had pages on Facebook and MySpace. She had lots of friends. She posted details about her 5-foot-3 frame, along with an alluring photo, on a Web site for aspiring models and actresses. She lived with her boyfriend and his mother. […]

If It’s Saturday, It Must Be A Day For A Big Climate Change Demonstration

Hey, let’s all jump in our cars and drive to the meeting site. We’ll create lots of signs made from paper, we’ll all have our bottles of water, and we’ll protest man caused global warming, er, climate change, because it is cold Environmentalists across California have organized a series of colorful events Saturday to press for tough […]

TFMo Is Making Friends With Barrett Brown!

I wonder how that is going? Head on over to Just Because You’re Paranoid for the answer.

Friday Speed Bumps (17 Images)

How Sad Is It When The French Are Dissing The U.S.A.?

The Bush administration has done so much damage to American foreign relations that the president take a more active role in diplomacy than might have been true 20 or 30 years ago. If we think that meeting with the president is a privilege that has to be earned, that reinforces the sense that we stand […]

Obama Goes After Companies That Hire Illegals, And Fox News

One should never follow praise with criticism, so, let’s start with the latest in the White House’s War On Fox New, perhaps knows as Operation Domestic Contingency. Doug Ross reports Today the White House stepped up its attack on Fox News, announcing that the network would no longer be able to conduct interviews with officials […]

Barry Says Dems Are The Free Thinkers, GOP Mindless Drones

Then he started spouting off about hopenchange, yes we can, donate here. Seriously, this is truly funny OBAMA: Sometimes Democrats can be their own worst enemies. Democrats are an opinionated bunch. You know the other side, they just kind of do what they’re told. Democrats, ya’ll thinkin’ for yourselves. I like that in you, but […]

Thursday Costume Ideas (21 Images)

Guess Who Is Getting Your Swine Flu Shot

It’s bad enough that there is already a massive backup on the Swine Flu vaccine, but….. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told Wednesday that one in 10 doses of the swine-flu vaccine purchased by the U.S. will be donated to other nations before U.S. demand is filled. Sebelius also told a Senate committee […]

Pirate's Cove