Monthly Archives: February 2005

American Flag

Welcome aboard Murdoc Online. Yes, the Don’t Tread on Me flag counts.

For You Southern Fisherman (and Women)

If there are any fisherman(women) out there, you HAVE to see this post by Silflay Hraka, another good ol’ NC blogger.(hat tip Insatapundit (like he needs another link))

Miracle on Ice

25 years ago today, the United States amateur hockey team defeated the Soviet Army’s team in the Olympic games 4-3. Do you remember Al Michaels “Do you believer in miracles? YES!” This wasn’t even the gold medal game (which the US won.) This was a bunch of unknowns, kids really, beating the great Soviet team, […]

Who Wins the 2005 Stanley Cup

Playing with some new/old toys. Since there will be no Stanley Cup Finals this year, let’s pick the champ. Since the strike of 94-95, the New Jersey Devils and the Detroit Red Wings have both played in 4 Cups, and won 3. You choose. I have also included the Tampa Bay Lightning, since they are […]

Sign the 180’s John!

John Kerry has flip flopped multiple times on releasing his 180’s. See this previous post for the back and forth waffleing by big weenie. He has stated unequivically that he will sign his Form 180 without conditions. Lets help him with this. Time for him to keep his word for once. The furor over military […]

King of the Blogs

Jeremy from America Warmonger is one of the competitors for King of the Blogs this week. Go vote for him here. That’s all for today, folks. I’m beat. Had a major MSG allergy attack over the weekend, just tuckered. And, internet is being a bit wonky this evening. Tommorrow I will have a post up […]

Email on Your Cell Phone

Because life is more then politics, I bring an interesting way to get your email on your phone, for the 46 million Cingular customers. I was having a conversation on a forum, and one poster was asking how to get their email on their phone. Now, Cingular’s infrastructure, like most of the other carriers, is […]

Yeeeeeaaahhhh Me!

Just gotta share. After tons of work, my store recieved a 96.8 on our audit.  Though they don’t read my blog (they are pretty much all Dems), I would still like to send my thanks. I would like to digress a bit. I am often quite partisan in my shots at Democrats. However, I have […]

For Patty Jo

How about a bonus?

A new low

Powerline enters the world of the Moonbat. Seems that Kos and Atrios "sicced their readers" on the guys. (PS, sorry about no trackback, guys, doesn’t seem to want to populate on your blog) These are not nice people. In addition to emailing us at our feedback address with every manner of invective, they called my […]

Pirate's Cove