Monthly Archives: February 2005

New American Flag Folks

Welcome aboard to the Flag League: Little Red Blog Liberal Quicksand The Mighty Righty

How do ye write, swabbie or swabbette?

Ye need to head on over and try the Gender Genie, which will tell ye whether your writing be male or female (hat tip to Cassandra at Villainous Company, via Tigerhawk). I’ll admit, some of me stuff comes out female, some male. Checked about 10 posts, was about 7-3 male. I checked out some of […]

Just remember, it’s not about the sex.

Isn’t that what the Lefties keep telling us? It’s not about the sex? Kurtz has been complaining to anyone who’ll listen about the horrors of progressive bloggers poking into Guckert’s "private life". Apparently, he doesn’t know that prostition is the world’s oldest profession. People are digging into Guckert’s professional life, not his private life. But […]

American Flag Folks

Welcome new member, Absinthe and Cookies.

Secret USS Jimmy Cartah photo!

I have obtained a secret photo from the Navy database, showing the USS Jimmy Cartah’s (Southern pronuncation) stealth mode.

Housekeeping thing

just trying to get the TLB ecosystem to recognize a domain name change Typepad headers will not allow the code to show through in the header. Well, that didn’t work. Guess I won’t be able to use the domain name I bought, unless I trash my TTLB rankings and start fresh.

Hillary See’s It

Sorry, don’t have another Hillary photo today. I am sure everyone is disappointed that they can keep their breakfast down. However, we do have a great quote from her: "The fact that you have these suicide bombers now, wreaking such hatred and violence while people pray, is to me, an indication of their failure," Clinton […]

Took Care of JulieB’s yard

Took care of most of Julie with a B’s backyard. Rest is up to you, Julie. See, I can use my powers for good, now and then.

Will Kerry Ever Sign His 180’s?

Howard Sowell of Real Clear Politics is asking why Big Media is ignoring Kerry saying he would sign his Form 180 (Hat tip to Cas at Villainous Company, who, I hope, is not holding her breathe, as I said in the comments.) One document whose authenticity is not likely to be questioned by the mainstream […]

Caption This

Linked to the Outside the Beltway Caption Contest

Pirate's Cove