Monthly Archives: October 2004

Mr. Booker, Meet the USSS

And the bad news just keeps flowing for Mr. Booker and the Guardian (hat tip Drudge) Washington D.C.’s Secret Service is investigating Charlie Brooker of the UK Guardian. The entertainment writer’s weekend, anti-Bush tantrum, ending with the words, “John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr.–where are you now that we need you,” was […]

Ye Olde Hit(e) Countere

Wow. Being a sort of lower middle class folk in he Ecosystem, almost a full time air breather, to get 984 page views in a day is fantastic, with the vast majority coming after 8pm. Not bad for a Sunday. I would like to thank the great folks over at Powerline for the initial referal, […]

Asbury Park Press for Bush

This paper, in NJ, has a nice editorial on their endorsement of President Bush. I liked it due to it’s basis in reality. None of the partisan rhetoric that has inflicted, well, everything. Check it out here.

The Guardian

Seems as if the Guardian has pulled the story from their website about advocating the assassination of President Bush if re-elected. Glad I save the whole thing, and, since they pulled it, I will post the whole thing: ——————— Dumb show Charlie Brooker Saturday October 23, 2004 The Guardian Heady times. The US election draws […]

News and Observer for Kerry.

Well, there’s a shock. As I sit in Duffy’s watching the giants (lose), I read the paper, laughing and snorting, causing the other patrons to wonder at what. In a totally expected editorial, the Raleigh News and Observer has endorsed John Kerry for President. I am amazed that it took them so long. Or maybe […]

Bumping that Traffic Up

I had read a good article by Bad Example about bumping ones traffic up about a month ago or so, when was checking the Showcase for new blogs. Definately worth a perusal. Me, I have only been blogging since July 2004, so I felt it was helpful. If you are new, submit a post. Alot […]

Woops, my bad.

Just learned something new. Using the trackback as the link doesn’t take one to the story on another blog. Have to use the permalink. So, for any bad links that have provided, My Bad. Sorry. When posting from regular Typepad (and I have the advanced turned on), you link with the permalink, not the trackback, […]

Sunday Morning Slow

Need a bit of a break from all the political stuff. So, did you know that there is not one, but two Pirates of the Caribbeean sequals coming? Awesome. Awesome to the max. Number 2 won’t be till the summer of 2006 or so. Do I love that movie? Yup. Can tell from my top […]

Wonderful People at the Guardian

So glad that some of the crazy Brits can chime in on US elections (yes, I know not all Brits are like this.) “On November 2, the entire civilised world will be praying, praying Bush loses. And Sod’s law dictates he’ll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. The world […]

Why I am voting Bush

Many will, and have certainly, given much better discources on why they are voting for W. My take is actually very simple. I am an independent. I voted for Clinton’s 2nd, as I thought he was a better candidate for that time then Dole. I voted for Al “taking the short route to Insanity Rd” […]

Pirate's Cove