So glad that some of the crazy Brits can chime in on US elections (yes, I know not all Brits are like this.) “On November 2, the entire civilised world will be praying, praying Bush loses. And Sod’s law dictates he’ll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. The world […]
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- Elwood P. Dowd on “Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam): “So, “Hot” Rod, Does your dad’s employer, Leith Honda of Raleigh NC, approve of Porter Good spending all day, every…” Sep 20, 11:05
- drowningpuppies on “Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam): “So Rimjob, do your partners over there at DJThree CONsulting approve of you spending all day, every day insulting people…” Sep 20, 10:53
- Elwood P. Dowd on “Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam): “My Lil Stalker, It’s what Mr Porter Good over there at Leith Honda do.” Sep 20, 10:45
- Elwood P. Dowd on “Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam): “LGB, Anyone can put anything on YouTube. Try harder.” Sep 20, 10:42
- Elwood P. Dowd on “Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam): “It’s hardly surprising that nuConservatives oppose scientific endeavors. Science often confirms what conservatives dislike. What’s in the anti-God, anti-white September…” Sep 20, 10:38