October 27, 2004 – 9:37 pm
I take absolutely, unequivically, no responsibility for this. Oh, wait, I linked it, I guess I do. 🙂 Give it up for Bad Example. Who owes me some heart palpitation medicine now.
October 27, 2004 – 8:58 pm
This sucks: Lunar Eclipse Expected Tonight. It’s cloudy in NC. Hope y’all have better luck. This doesn’t suck: Arafat’s Health Worsens. It is difficult to say that I wish a human being bad news, but, with Arafat’s death, perhaps his billions tht are socked away could end up taking the Palestinians out of their squalid […]
October 27, 2004 – 6:02 pm
No, seriously. The global warming that has apparently only occured under W (sarcasm alert on Red) is going to cause more hurricanes, at least according to billboards going up in Florida. Because President George W. Bush has “ignored the threat of global warming,” Floridians can expect to be hit by increasingly destructive hurricanes, a new […]
October 27, 2004 – 7:38 am
Reader Sara has been tasked with writing a paper on the Iraq War, and is looking for reason why it was the right thing to do. Alright, my experience concept of wether the War in Iraq is justified is one that is limited, and although I do care, a tend to be straddling the fence […]
October 27, 2004 – 6:07 am
Anyone out there familiar with Italian? The Guardian post (cannot call it a story, as all I did was post the entire original story), made it into an Italian paper (blog?) Have tried a few translation programs, and I just am not getting real good answers. Il Guardian, giornale senza dubbio umoristico, ha ritirato dal […]