October 26, 2004 – 10:27 pm
Take a listen while it is on the Bob and Tom website.
October 26, 2004 – 10:06 pm
While I certainly have enjoyed some email I have recieved, I just want to make it clear that I have absolutely nothing to do with either of the Pirate’s Cove’s in California. Never even been to California. While it is flattering (I guess), no can help ye beyond the link :0)
October 26, 2004 – 8:03 pm
This past September, several bloggers, including myself, made mention of a Great White Shark that had been captured and was at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. As of October 18th, she was doing fine. I am waiting for a reply to the aquarium, to see how she is doing at this time, though, if something was […]
October 26, 2004 – 7:50 pm
But when did they go missing? Were they even there? Mr. NZ Bear has a great article, and a good roundup of links, regarding the explosive explosives story. Seems like the NY Times, and anyone else that is sticking by it, similar to Rathergate, shall be walking the plank: A senior Bush administration official said […]
October 26, 2004 – 8:08 am
Oh, boy. It seems as if the Kyoto pact just isn’t strong enough to stop rampant global warming. (Hat tip, Right Wing News) The Russians have signed it, but: “This mustn’t lull us into thinking that the problem is solved,” Pachauri said. “Kyoto is not enough. We now have to look at the problem afresh.” […]
October 26, 2004 – 7:48 am
I wish I had thought of this on Sunday, but, are there any folks out there who have access to either the Sunday or Monday (England time) Guardian? I am interested to know if Charlie Brooker’s “apology” appears in the print version. TIA