Sunday Morning Slow

Need a bit of a break from all the political stuff. So, did you know that there is not one, but two Pirates of the Caribbeean sequals coming? Awesome. Awesome to the max. Number 2 won’t be till the summer of 2006 or so. Do I love that movie? Yup. Can tell from my top graphic. It’s not how I got the name of my blog, though. See a post in the Pirates Cove category. Too lazy to find it now 🙂

I thought it would be garbage. The tv commercials did what I hate: show tons of quick scenes. I figure that if an ad has to show so much, it must be bad. Boy, was I wrong. If you haven’t seen it, do so. Heck, it is a movie worth watching. Top 10 for me.

Watched “The Day After Tommorrow” last night. Not bad. Not one that I would buy, or even watch again. The special effects were wonderful, the plot was ok. Much of the science was just wacky. Only way to describe it. Could it happen? Some scientists think yes. But, even if massive amounts of fresh water were introduced into one of the ocean circulatory systems, would take a bit of time for the weather conditions to change dramatically, which they would. That requires a long bit of science, maybe later 🙂

Have been reading “On Basilick Station” by David Weber, the first book in the Honor Harrington series. Excellent. If you can get by the possible embarassment of the book covers, and like science, read it. Next up, the follow up book, “The Honor of the Queen.”

Speaking of Science Fiction, American Movie Classics is going to be showing horror movies all week long. And Turner Classic Movies has “The Raven” and the original “Dr. Jeykll and Mr Hyde” tonight.

Best slasher movie? Friday the 13th. Especially since the opening scenes were filmed in Blairstown, NJ, right off the campus of Blair Academy, where I went to boarding school. And the camp scenes were filmed at Camp Nobeboso (North Bergen Boy Scouts), where we spent an evening drinking and getting feaked out 🙂 BTW, there is a spot on the campus of Blair Academy that looks like the cover of Black Sabbath’s first album, except the house in the background was white wood.

Last thought for the post. Tried to do the early voting thing yesterday. Got there about 1pm. Tons of people. Get out of my car, and hear this lady tell a couple wearing Kerry shirts, the wait is about 1-2 hours, the line moves well. I look and say “no way.” So, walking back to my SUV, and someone asks me. I say, “1-2 hours.” The original lady still hasn’t left, she is chillin’ while waiting for the traffic to die down. She says “that is actually a liberal estimate. More like 4-5 hours.” I saw the Bush sticker on her truck 🙂

Go Giants!

Go Giants!

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3 Responses to “Sunday Morning Slow”

  1. Ogre says:

    More Pirates? Awesome!

  2. Eric says:

    Not only are the going to be two more Pirates movies, but Johnny Depp is trying to convice Keith Richards to play Jack’s father.

  3. Cool. Richards would actually be perfect for the part. They need to speed it up.

Pirate's Cove