Latest Liberal Midterm Loss Conspiracy: It’s Joe Lieberman’s Fault

You just can’t make this stuff up, folks. Well, really, it can be made up, just not by you, because you are not raving paranoids living in a unicorn infested world of hopey changey unreality, like Ezra Klein does

Since the election, there’s been a lot of talk about what President Obama and the Democratic leadership could’ve done differently. I offered six ideas here. But there’s been rather less discussion of what individual legislators could’ve done differently. Consider, for example, Joe Lieberman.

Ezra then travels down alternative universe (or, is that alternative medicated?) roads, building a wild case that Joe Lieberman screwed up the (already massively unpopular) health bill (remind me, wasn’t it supposed to be about health insurance, not health care?) so it’s his fault that Democrats faced a massive tsunami of a midterm loss. Or, wait, what?

Put all this together and it might’ve saved a few seats, or perhaps it wouldn’t have saved any seats at all. Or maybe it would’ve changed everything. At any rate, it’s the sort of thing that might’ve made a difference, and its absence was the result of one senator’s incoherent intransigence. We’re pretty used to looking for what the White House did wrong, and what the congressional leadership did wrong, but in a Senate where there were 60 Democrats for a time, there are a lot of cases where the decisions of one or two individual senators made a big difference to legislative outcomes. They deserve scrutiny, too.

Huh? So, Joe might have made little or no difference, or a lot of difference? Which is it? Ah, screw it, let’s just blame Joe. It obviously can’t be the Wonderfulness Of Barry and Nancy and Harry and their super duper most awesome legislation which people will learn to love the way they love Castor Oil.

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5 Responses to “Latest Liberal Midterm Loss Conspiracy: It’s Joe Lieberman’s Fault”

  1. John Ryan says:

    how about latest tea party loss whine That write in vote for Lisa Murkowski doesn’t count unless both “I”s are dotted

  2. gitarcarver says:

    That write in vote for Lisa Murkowski doesn’t count unless both “I”s are dotted

    How about following the law in Alaska?

    How about following the Constitution?

    Nah. People of your ilk don’t care about the law.

  3. EM says:

    Given the utterly crappy way that the Left treats Lieberman, is it possible that he may one day wake up and realize how misguided his beliefs are on everything apart from foreign policy? I like the guy – I think he would actually make a good Conservative, he’s just a little “lost” for now.

  4. Law means nothing to liberals, GT. Unless it benefits them. Otherwise, to hell with it. And that pesky Constitution thingy, too.

    It would be nice, EM, but, he is too much of an old school JFK liberal….but, then, I refer to Bush like that, too, so, maybe there is hope.

  5. mojo says:

    I’m looking forward to Joe getting a belly full of that crap and jumping ship to the R side.

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