Oh, my. The master of Rule 5 Sunday is going to be taking a trip
Stacy has greased the skids here, but there will be a hiatus in regular blogging activity for the Smitty portion of this blog duo at the close of this post. I hold orders to activate in mid-November and report to Kabul, Afghanistan in time for Christmas. Bandwidth, and latitude for skylarking online will not exist until the end of 2011.
God bless, Smitty. Stay safe. Here’s some super awesome animated Rule 5 to leave you with (click the More tag, heavy load on the page, in more ways than one
No matter how many times you watch this gif, you will never notice the misspelling.
There are angels watching over you, Smitty!
The GIFs that keep on giving! A good send off for Smitty!