Usually, one can depend on Rep. Peter King, who has sat on the House Homeland Security Committee and will soon be chairman, to be very sensible, especially when it comes to supporting Conservatives and the War on Terrorism. But, like most people (including me), every once in a while he has to get stuck on stupid: Qaeda the enemy – not TSA screeners
The debate over security scanning and pat-downs has reached such a fever pitch, it seems that people are forgetting that the enemy isn’t the Transportation Security Administration — it’s al Qaeda.
I don’t want my children or grandchildren getting on a plane that’s going to be blown apart in the sky. That’s what this comes down to.
If people have constructive suggestions to make, please make them. But to threaten to shut down the system is irresponsible.
They are putting people in danger by trying to intimidate the TSA into backing down on their security measures.
Sorry, Pete, but groping Nuns, children, cancer survivors, women with awesome breasts, and people who are as far from being potential terrorists as possible will not protect your family, who, being a sitting Congress Critter’s family, are doubtful to get a groping session from the TSA.
And people have made constructive ideas: you mention a few in your article, such as finally profiling. And, it is not about the body scanners so much (though, these full body scans for Nuns, kids, Grandma Wendy from Wichita with her massive underwire bra, make little sense) as it is about the groping. Wake up, Pete!
As a conservative, I find it disappointing that so many on the right taking issue with the TSA sound like left-wing liberals.
Sorry, again, Pete, but, not wanting to be groped in order to fly is not a right or left thing. You compare this to Rudy Giuliani’s NYC crackdown, but, no, it is not the same by any means. The crime crackdown went after criminals. This virtual sexual assualt goes after ordinary citizens, singled out for no good reason, citizens who are not a threat (though Grandma Wendy might talk you to death).
But for now let’s at least assume that John Pistole and the TSA are well-intentioned and they are doing the right thing based on the information available to them right now.
Now, that sounds more like a Lefty talking point, since Liberals are more about intentions than results. And, I don’t really give a damn if they are “well-intentioned”: they are doing it wrong. And not stopping any Islamic terrorists. Nor would this have stopped the past few attempted terrorist attacks.
Perhaps Pete knows something we are not privy to. Still doesn’t excuse groping kids, Nuns, etc. So, really, Pete, especially after that “sound like left wing liberals” crack, in this case, bite me.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. sit back and Relax. we’ll dRive!

If they are accumulating data for future reference then this is acceptable in the short term. If they are gropeing for fun and grins then kill the program quickly. TSA is tasked with keeping us safe and profiling is inevitable and necesary
Actually, it’s totalitarians and fascists like King who’ve never seen a police state measure they couldn’t get behind, who are the greatest enemies of liberty in this country.
I am not sure if there is really a two party system. It seems that the Dems and Reps are preaching the same message. That message is that we want to get into all your affairs. The only difference is the angle. The Dems want socialism with everything, including us, belonging to the state and with the state dictating what we can do with our lives and wealth. On the other hand, the Reps want to control our every thought and make sure we are morally correct. They want to make sure that none of us are terrorist or potential terrorist. That to the point of treating us all like criminals.
This nut feels that he is offer “security” when even to dumbest among us, me included, can figure out who to circumvent the system. Imagine what a terrorist with training could do? For this “security” we must give up all our freedoms. What ever happened to one of these “great men” in Washington actually coming out and saying that our enemy is Islam. That the nature of this “religion/cult” is such that it produces violent people who have no problem with killing innocent individuals for an abstract reason. That in order to have security we must define this enemy and isolate and profile them. That if we continue with the false security that we have, we are giving into the terrorist, or Muslims (whichever you wish to call them) and that they have won.
Congressman, get rid of the TSA!! Profile Muslims, all of them, and stop allowing people from Yemen and other terror prone areas into the US. Leave the average American alone before he/she turns into an enemy, they are already beginning to do so.
“But for now let’s at least assume that John Pistole and the TSA are well-intentioned and they are doing the right thing based on the information available to them right now.”
Funny that… that sounds like the exact same argument for Man-Made Globull Warmin Mitigation expenditures.
“Let’s just assume that the earth is warming and that Al Gore and the Leftists Socialista all are doing the right thing based on the information that they have created right now.”
Yeah, sorry, not gonna happen. Constitution still stands for something. For now at least.
Excellent points, David and Captain.
Do we get brownie points or something? Maybe some in-store credit towards a wench?
Well, since I managed to cut off the majority of my reply comment, I’ll have to give you this pre-Christmas gift in lieu of brownie points.
aawww. thanks. But that Christmas Elf is a bit too expensive for me. I think I am in a too low tax bracket for her, anyway.
But, Christmas is for dreams isn’t it?
[…] is why I usually think Peter King is an excellent Congressional Representative, as opposed to his TSA idiocy the other day: House Republican wants Wikileaks labeled as terrorist group Secretary of State […]