Hey, you know that awesome super duper socialized health care system in Britain, which we are supposed to follow? Yeah, about that
Three-quarters of all stroke victims are missing out on treatment which would drastically improve their chances of recovery.
A report on the shocking extent of Britain’s ‘postcode lottery’ of NHS care revealed that a majority of patients are simply left on hospital wards rather than being looked after in specialised stroke units.
Fewer than 25 per cent of sufferers are being admitted to such centres, despite official recommendations that all those who suffer a stroke should receive this level of care by highly trained doctors and nurses.
The article goes on to describe the inconsistent care for other maladies, such as cancer and diabetes, in UK hospitals. And this is the system that liberals want to emulate.
Now, I’m not saying our system is perfect. When Mom had some heart problems, was taken to the hospital, they think she then had a stroke. Emphasize “think.” She had all the symptoms, yet, still not sure. Yet, the busted their buns to help her. And do the same with pretty much every patient here in America. That’s the way it works in America, when government is not the provider, and not installing mandates and regulations that end up reducing the quality of care.

Good thing we are going to get Britain on STEROIDS then. But, without the extra money or doctors.
Sooooooo….. ok, nevermind. We’re screwed.