Monthly Archives: November 2008

Don’t Let Your Gobbler Day Guests Sue You Or Strip In Jail

“Hi! Welcome! We’re so glad you came over for Thanksgiving Day. Wine’s on in the fridge, we have snacks on the table and some chili for watching the game, dinner will be at 4:30. Oh, could you sign this form, please?” “Guest acknowledges and understands that no warranty, either expressed or implied, is made by […]

Dhimmitude Slowing In The United Nations

But not completely gone A United Nations committee has passed a controversial “defamation of religions” draft resolution but, amid freedom of expression concerns, the measure looks set to get less support when it comes to a final vote next month, than in previous years. Monday’s vote in the General Assembly’s Third Committee, which deals with […]

AGW Today: Costs, Lies, Disprove, Overestimate, And Beaches

The costs of AGW legislation Virtually every concern heightened by the eco­nomic downturn, especially job losses, would be exacerbated under the ANPR. As with cap-and-trade legislation, the EPA’s suggested rulemaking would be poison to an already sick economy. But even in the best of economic times, this policy would likely end them. The estimated costs–close […]

Bush Throws Some Pardons: What About The Border Agents?

President Bush, who apparently uses the same pen for veto’s and pardons, has given out 14 and commuted the sentences of 2 others. All were pretty much low level scumbags who pretty much hurt no one but themselves, but what about the border agents? Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., noted that the list also did not […]

Joined The “My Cold Dead Hands” Group

Just purchased this this afternoon Picked up my handgun permit from the Sheriff’s office, went to Eagle 1 and picked this baby up (technically, this is a photo I found on Photobucket. Had taken just about the same one, hey, already one available). A Walther p22. Then fired off a couple hundred rounds. Now I […]

Oh, Those Wacky Liberal Judges And Prosecutors, Part Lots

Isn’t Liberal Justice wonderbar? A former teacher at a Lubec elementary school was sentenced Friday in Washington County (Maine) Superior Court to 30 days in jail for having a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy. Tina Mason, 31, of East Machias cried and sniffled in the courtroom as she pleaded no contest to charges of […]

But It Was So Cuddly And Cute!

How soon till some indoctrinated brain dead liberal does this at an American zoo with a polar bear? A college student in southern China was bitten by a panda after he broke into the bear’s enclosure hoping to get a hug, state media and a park employee said Saturday. The student was visiting Qixing Park […]

Brrrrrr! It’s Getting Colder, Baby!

So, let’s see: I check ye olde Weather Channel for the ten day forecasts, and it looks like Raleigh, Washington, D.C., and the town in Joisey where my ‘rentals live, and low and behold, they are going to mostly be at or below the average highs. How can that possibly be happening? A new satellite […]

Lunatic Monday: Code Pink And HuffPo

Let’s start with the ladies in that atrocious, stomach-churning, eye bleeding color of pink DAY ONE in Tehran What an extraordinary day! After arriving at our hotel in the middle of the night, I woke up early raring to go. Our hotel is in a great location downtown, and I took some time before our […]

National Review/CBS News To Barry: Don’t Mess Iraq Up, Chump!

There are probably days when the controllers of the Opinion pages at CBS News wish they had a bit more control: The President-Elect’s Opportunity In Iraq Declining levels of violence are going to tempt both American and Iraqi politicians to opt for a too-rapid deadline. They should be looking around the corner to elections next […]

Pirate's Cove