Category Archives: Iran

Israel Lays The Big Boom On Houthis In Yemen

The Iran backed Houthis wanted to play with fire when they attacked a building in Tel Aviv, along with all the rockets. They should have realized that they have matches while Israel has flamethrowers, and is in no mood post 10/7 for shenanigans IDF jets target Houthi regime in strike on Hodeidah energy infrastructure IDF […]

Good News: Iran One To Two Weeks Away From Producing Nuclear Weapons Material

Obviously, the Biden regime wants to Blame Trump for pulling out of the nuclear deal with Iran, but, really, according to the deal, they’d be able to start enriching soon, and, all this was based on a promise to not do anything while getting all sorts of money and aid upfront. Trump may have pulled […]

WWIII Watch: Iran Threatens To Get Bombed To Stone Age If Israel Attacks Hezbollah

Let’s see: Iran’s proxy Hezbollah attacks Israel from Lebanon, specifically going after civilians. Israel makes threats to annihilate Hezbollah (which would actually make Lebanon happy and help their economy). And then Iran threatens ‘obliterating war’ if Israel launches full-scale conflict with Hezbollah Iran is threatening an “obliterating war” if Israel launches an all-out conflict against […]

Biden Regime Give Condolences To Iran On Death Of “Butcher Of Tehran”

I remember when Obama picked Biden for his “vast foreign policy experience.” I also remember when all the Leftists in the news media said Biden would bring sanity back the foreign policy of the United States. Here’s the latest example of how bad it is Biden Admin Expresses ‘Official Condolences’ For Death Of Iranian President […]

WWIII Watch: Iran Threatens To Target Israeli Nuclear Sites

Update before the scheduled post even posted: Israel has carried out a strike inside Iran, US official tells CNN, as region braces for further escalation Israel has carried out a military strike inside Iran, a US official told CNN, as blasts were heard near the city of Isfahan early Friday in a potentially escalatory move […]

Strange: Biden, UN, And Others Call For Israel To Have Restraint

It’s a very simple proposition: Islamic nations and groups need to stop attacking Israel. Don’t start none, won’t be none. Israel was literally attacked by Iran yesterday, and we’re getting US works to prevent an escalation across the Mideast as Biden pushes Israel to show restraint The United States on Sunday highlighted its role in […]

After Biden Tells Iran “Don’t”, Iran Does, Launches Attack On Israel

It’s kinda hard to take Biden seriously when he blows out for the weekend Booms and sirens in Israel after Iran launches over 200 missiles and drones in unprecedented attack Booms and air raid sirens sounded across Israel early Sunday after Iran launched hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles in an unprecedented revenge […]

Biden Tells Iran Regarding Retaliation Against Israel: “Don’t”

It’s nice that Biden is telling Iran this, but, there’s a problem Biden’s message to Iran about retaliatory strike on Israel: ‘Don’t’ President Joe Biden told reporters Friday afternoon he expects an Iranian strike on Israel to occur “sooner than later” amid urgent concerns that Iran was about to retaliate for the bombing of its consulate in Damascus, Syria, […]

US Braces For Iranian Retaliation After Israel Wacked A Bunch Of Iranian Terrorists

If we had a strong president that person would be warning Iran not to f*ck with the U.S., it’s military, its citizens, or our allies in Israel. Instead, we have Biden, who’s in Delaware yet again this weekend, and seems to be taking the side of Iranian backed Hamas, a US State Department designated terrorist […]

Boo Hoo: Israel Strikes Iranian Consulate In Syria

Israel also got a few really high ranking Iranians knocked off in the deal Israel accused of deadly strike on Iranian consulate in Syria Iran’s Revolutionary Guards says seven officers have been killed in an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate building in Syria’s capital, Damascus. Brig-Gen Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander of the […]

Pirate's Cove