Category Archives: Donald Trump

The Donald Pledges To End EV Mandate On Day One

Yeah, well, we’ll see. He pledged to end U.S. involvement in the Paris Climate Agreement, but, it took him till November of 2020 to make that happen Trump Vows to End Electric Vehicle ‘Mandate’ on Day One Former President Donald Trump used his nomination speech to take aim at President Joe Biden’s electric vehicle policies, […]

Raleigh N&O Wants To Fight To Keep Trump Out Of Office

It’s a good thing the news media is impartial and neutral, eh? We should show grace to Donald Trump – and fight to keep him from office | Opinion A man who has rarely extended grace to his opponents is receiving grace from his opponents — and he should. He must. And we must be […]

Biden Wants Americans To “Cool It” After Wacko Tried To Assassinate Trump

Yeah, maybe he should look to the wackos in his party. And himself. Don’t forget, he’s been yammering about going all “Dark Brandon” lately Biden makes primetime plea to ‘cool it down’ after Trump shooting President Biden on Sunday night made a primetime plea to lower the temperature in American politics after a gunman shot […]

Crazy Person Tried To Kill Trump At Rally Saturday

This is what happens when the Democrat Party, and wacko never-Trumpers, say that he’s a danger to America, Democracy!, and the whole world. That he’s a Fascist, and authoritarian, that he’s in it for revenge, that he’s going to lock up his political enemies and even kill them. That he’ll never step down after another […]

New Poll Has Trump Leading In Every Swing State

Here’s the question: can Trump ignore his normal instincts and say the things that will help get him elected again? Emerson Poll: Donald Trump Leads Biden in Every Key Swing State Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in six swing states, an Emerson/DemNextGen poll found Monday, further fueling fears among Democrats about Biden’s […]

Crazy Michael Cohen Says Trump Will Run America Like A Fuhrer

This is not an unusual position from the Never Trumpers, who all seem to believe that Trump is a Bad Man and is the next coming of Adolph Hitler Michael Cohen warns Trump will run US ‘like the Führer’ if reelected after Supreme Court immunity ruling Donald Trump’s former lawyer and one-time fixer Michael Cohen […]

Lawfare: Biden’s DOJ To Go After Trump Even After Election

Nothing says this is all about using the weight of the federal government to go after political opponents as finding whatever means to prosecute for any reason? The Washington Post finds no blame in this. Can you imagine if Trump had done this? What would the article look like? What about when people like Putin […]

Bummer: Trump Won’t Commit To Doing Anything About Hotcoldwetdry

Well, Trump has already said he would love to build lots of nuclear power plants Trump Won’t Commit to Doing Anything About Climate Change Former President Donald Trump on Thursday refused to commit to taking any action to address the climate crisis. Asked during the first 2024 presidential debate if he would take any action […]

Most Agree That Biden Had A Very, Very, Bad Night At The Debates

Remember, Biden took a week off to prepare. This is a guy who first took office as a Senator in 1973, then served 8 years as Obama’s VP, and has been president since 2021. You’d think he would have had this stuff down Debate-watchers in the Biden and Trump camps seem to agree on something. […]

Unsurprisingly, Another Poll Shows Inflation And The Economy Are Tops For Americans

Also, Americans think Kendrick Lamar won the recent viral rap feud with Drake by a nearly 4:1 margin. Poll: ‘Inflation and Economy’ Top Priority for Americans, Abortion Last “Inflation and the economy” is standing as the top priority for Americans, while abortion is coming in last, a June Cygnal survey found. The survey asked respondents to identify […]

Pirate's Cove