Monthly Archives: November 2004

The Law is da Law

I apologize if others have seen this email that is going around, but I think it is worth a post. If you like it, email it out. And, by all means, feel free to copy it, and link me 🙂 So.. if the US government determines that it is against the law for the words […]

“I Told You So’s”

The Carteret County voting failure has brought a lot of hand-wringing to elections officials and "I-told-you-sos” from activists who sounded the alarm about electronic balloting months ago. A touch-screen voting network there failed to record more than 4,400 votes cast before Election Day because its data storage was full — the result of outdated software […]

Kofi Working that Resume

From the Washington Post Op/Ed page: You can hardly blame United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan if he’s spending a lot of his free time these days touching up his resume. For even by U.N. standards, the oil-for-food scandal; misconduct charges against senior U.N. officials (and furious complaints by U.N. employees in recent days that Mr. […]

Breaking News on Arafat

Reported on Fox News this am, Arafts nephew has released Arafats medical records. They apparently do not show what the cause of death is. And the left wants a socialist medical system why? Also, this is breaking news? Arafat was old. and Evil. He’s now dead, and can no longer send kids off to die […]

Sunday Linkaroundage

Having one of those slept wrong and an old whiplash injury is killing me days, so, rather then writing more, here is an Evil Glenn style post: Little Miss Attila has the lowdown on W doing the kind of thing that makes us like him. And, Wizbang is taking nominations for Best Weblogs.   Some are […]

More on Firefox

So, a week of using Firefox, and still pretty darn happy, and impressed, with it. I just ran AdAware, to remove those pesky spyware annoyances, and had 3. Usually end up with 16 or so on an average week. Means Firefox is doing its job. Go download and install it, if you haven’t so far. […]

F.I.S.T, meet the F.B.I

This is the kind of thing that I am totally clueless about until I read about it, listening to mostly rock, country, talk, and what is now considered "oldie’s" (Stones, Zepelins, Rush,etc) rather then the "young folks (that hurt)" stations: (RALEIGH, NC)– It’s an investigation that has stirred commotion on both sides. For two years, […]

Another Blogflict of Interest

From DM Europe: The Croatian government has recalled an official from its Washington embassy after he apparently wrote on his blog that the diplomatic meetings were boring and that there was no difference between President Bush and the Democratic candidate John Kerry, according to a report from Reuters. Third secretary at the Croatian embassy in […]

Generosity Index

The Bitch Girls (I love that name!) have a little thing on what states give most.  North Carolina is #16. The first Blue State is New York, at #26. Massachusetts? #49.

Democrats, Stop!

Writing without the partisan spin, and trying to reach out to you. What it all comes down to, and this will be rather insulting, as I cannot put it diplomatically. No matter how much you cry and scream and yell, Bush will be president for 4 more years. You can choose to either give up […]

Pirate's Cove