Monthly Archives: July 2010

The Longer Obama Is President, The Less Presidential He Is

The Weekly Standard’s James W. Ceaser provides a scathing indictment of how Obama has become the unpresidential president From charisma to populism—this is the slippery slope down which Barack Obama has been sliding over the past two years. In June 2008, Obama the candidate described his nomination as “the moment when .  .  . our planet began […]

Are There Two Different Classes Of Illegal Immigrants?

Some food for thought on this Monday morning from the Wall Street Journal There is a widespread perception of a strong link between immigrants and crime. It is common to hear those who oppose immigration argue that the first act illegal immigrants commit on U.S. soil is to break the law—that is, our immigration laws—and […]

New Democrat “Energy” Plan Looks To Raise Your Energy Costs

Why does it seem that every s0-called energy bill actually is about restrictions and taxes, but barely about increase energy production and means? Witness U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will unveil as early as Monday a slimmed-down energy bill seeking to make offshore drilling safer and convert trucks to run on domestic natural gas. […]

NY Times Corrects Itself Over John Lewis Raaaaacism Issue

Apparently, it’s Raaacist Weekend at the Times. So far, we have, among others, Race: Still Too Hot to Touch (Money paragraph: In many ways, Ms. Sherrod’s ordeal followed a depressingly familiar pattern in American life, in which anyone who even tries to talk about race risks public outrage and humiliation. They should substitute Conservative for […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! It is a beautiful day in America, though, a bit hot and sticky. Perfect for heading to our awesome seashores. This pinup us by Bill Medcalf, with a wee bit of help. BTW, I just noticed that this is the 250th edition! Dude and dudettes! Oh, and just had my 6th Blogoversary on […]

Britain Slowly Doing Away With Government Health Care

As America slowly moves towards full government run health care, Britain, a country 1/40th the size of the USA in geography (#79 on the size chart, with the USA at #3) is moving away from single payer and government control, and has actual plans to do this Perhaps the only consistent thing about Britain’s socialized […]

Obama Admin Violates Federal Law

Well, gee wiz, Obama and Company are all up in arms over Arizona “preempting” federal immigration law (which, as usual with someone on the left, is a blatant lie), yet, they are blatantly violating federal law The Department of Veterans Affairs will formally allow patients treated at its hospitals and clinics to use medical marijuana […]

PeBO Admin Finds Out That Dealing With North Korea ‘Taint That Easy

Obama actually had the correct posture early on in his presidency regarding North Korea, which was to ignore the provocations and histrionics of the country and Kim Jong Il. However, he learned that being president is hawd! work, especially between vacations and golf, and his policy started to be all over the place, to the […]

AGW Today: Kerry And ABC News Use FAIL Tag

You do have to give John Kerry some props: he is using the old saying that there is no such thing as bad press to good effect. Witness his latest histrionics Speaking at a town hall-style meeting promoting climate change legislation on Thursday, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) predicted there will be “an ice-free Arctic” in […]

Judge Asks DoJ Over Pre-Emption – “Seriously?”

All right, that is not what she actually said, but, hey, I can paraphrase, can’t I? A federal judge pushed back Thursday against a contention by the Obama Justice Department that a tough new Arizona immigration law set to take effect next week would cause “irreparable harm” and intrude into federal immigration enforcement. “Why can’t […]

Pirate's Cove