Daily Archives: May 21, 2024

Small Islands Win Victory In Climate Doom Suit

I wonder if they truly considered the implications of winning Climate change: small island states hail ocean court victory A global maritime court found on Tuesday that greenhouse gases constitute marine pollution, a major breakthrough for small island states threatened by the rise in sea levels caused by global warming. Cult science. CO2 is necessary […]

If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon be too expensive to purchase unless you’re uber-rich, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on cameras being raaaaacist.

Biden Regime Give Condolences To Iran On Death Of “Butcher Of Tehran”

I remember when Obama picked Biden for his “vast foreign policy experience.” I also remember when all the Leftists in the news media said Biden would bring sanity back the foreign policy of the United States. Here’s the latest example of how bad it is Biden Admin Expresses ‘Official Condolences’ For Death Of Iranian President […]

Woke Pope Says Hotcoldwetdry Is “A Road To Death”

Strangely, he had nothing to say about Norah O’Donnell taking a long, fossil fueled flight to interview him at the Vatican Pope Francis: “Climate change at this moment is a road to death” Pope Francis says the climate crisis has “gotten to the point of no return” as the planet continues to see the effects […]

AP Works Overtime To Let You Stupid Peasants Know The Trump Economy Wasn’t Good

The best part here is that the AP actually tries to Blame COVID on Trump Many remember solid economy under Trump, but his record also full of tax cut hype, debt and disease It was a time of fear and chaos four years ago. The death count was mounting as COVID-19 spread. Financial markets were […]

Pirate's Cove