Monthly Archives: April 2024

Bummer: Very Few Top Movies Mention Climate Doom

Well, why should they? What if they have nothing to do with global boiling? Are they supposed to just interject the cult for the heck of it? Just randomly have a character make a Speech? Only 32 of the Top Movies in the Last Decade Say Climate Change Exists — Study Last month, non-profit group […]

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution driven drought, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post wondering why there are so few pro-Hamas protests in Conservative areas.

“Advocates” Push To Make California Minimum Wage $20 For All

This is hilarious, because the advocates think people are leaving California because they cannot afford to live there, so they need more money, but, raising the minimum wage makes things more expensive Advocates gather at California Capitol to push for raising minimum wage Advocates gathered at the California State Capitol on Monday, calling for a […]

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Could Be Messing With The Lifecycle Of Cicadas

By this time, everyone knows that two different groups of cicadas are coming out of the ground, right? So, of course, the climate cult has to jump in For cicadas, it’s safety in numbers. Is climate change throwing off their timing? A cicada in sync with its brood is a cicada with a chance. The […]

Jewish Students Sue Columbia Over Anti-Jew Hatred

Columbia has pretty much let this go on for weeks. It was easy to see, as the Jew haters were upfront with their beliefs, and the constant reports of Jewish students being harassed and attacked were real. Columbia was also promising to Do Something all Monday, yet, never did. They’re getting what they asked for […]

Washington Post: Those Darned Republicans Are Seizing On College Kids Being Jew Haters

It was just a matter of time, right? Former president Donald Trump and other Republicans are seizing on the eruption of campus protests across the country to depict the United States as out of control under President Biden. However, most pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been peaceful. — The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) April 29, 2024 It’s […]

If All You See…

…are Bad Weather clouds from carbon pollution rolling into a city, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on some states refusing to cooperate with Biden’s extreme Title IX trans rules.

Interest Rates Staying High Blamed On “Affluent Americans”

See, it’s not that the policies of Biden and Democrats, such as too much spending and borrowing money, are causing issues. Nope, it’s you older rich Americans Affluent Americans are driving US economy and likely delaying need for Fed rate cuts Since retiring two years ago, Joan Harris has upped her travel game. Once or […]

Bummer: Ford Loses $1.3 Billion In First Quarter On EVs

Ford violated one of the main rules of any company that sells products to consumers: listen to what the consumer wants. The number who wanted EVs was low. And do not sell at an overall loss Ford Loses $1.3 Billion on Electric Vehicles in First Quarter of 2024, Delays Plans to Make More Ford Motor […]

Pro-Hamas Protesters Want Amnesty, Records Wiped To Avoid Future Consequences

Last I checked, every single one of these Jew hating Hamas loving “protesters” were adults and made the choice to go out there and chant things like “death to America,”, “death to Israel,” “death to Jews”, and all the other things College protesters want ‘amnesty.’ At stake: Tuition, legal charges, grades and graduation Maryam Alwan […]

Pirate's Cove