Daily Archives: May 18, 2024

Sea Levels Will SOON! Be At Doom Level In South Florida Or Something

I’m dying to see how much the seas will rise per the Miami Herald. Weirdly, no one there is saying they will leave Florida Sea levels are starting to rise faster. Here’s how much South Florida is expecting Sea levels are rising, swamping roads and homes in South Florida. And it’s picked up the pace […]

If All You See…

…is an ugly, overcast day due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on the IDF finding the body of Shani Louk in Gaza.

House Passes Bill Slamming Biden For Withholding Israeli Weapons

Biden started out mostly strong on Israel, but, has slowly inched his way towards the pro-Hamas/anti-Israel beliefs of his unhinged, Jew hating base, to the point of withholding arms House passes bill forcing Biden to arm Israel, catches Democrats in political crossfire House Republicans tried to drive a wedge between Democrats and President Biden on […]

Bummer: BBC Losing It Over Collapsing EV Market

Essentially, those who wanted an EV got them, and will keep them for a long time (though many are giving them up and going back to fossil fueled vehicles) leaving a small number who will be first time buyers at this point BBC Comes to Terms With Collapsing EV Market The BBC is confronting the […]

LGB: State Department Issues World Wide Warning For Americans Traveling Abroad

Hey, remember when Biden, Democrats, their pet media, were all saying that Biden would bring sanity back to America’s foreign policy? How America would be respected again? How’s that going? State Department issues ‘worldwide caution’ alert for Americans overseas Americans traveling abroad are being urged to exercise caution worldwide, the State Department said Friday. The […]

Pirate's Cove