Daily Archives: May 17, 2024

Climate (cult) Grief Is Linked To Greed And Power Or Something

And every time some Warmist says “this is 100% about the science (insert Dean scream here)” I run across something like this Complex grief of climate change Sara Gurulé shares her grief of climate change and how the systems of greed and power have affected the places she calls “home.” You really could just stop […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on transexualism being made a mental illness in Peru.

“Advocates” Whine About NC Anti-Mask Law

Where were they when the law was in force prior to the Chinese coronavirus? It was only on the books since 1953 NC anti-mask bill could violate federal law, disability rights and free speech advocates say An effort by North Carolina lawmakers that would prohibit people from wearing masks for health reasons would violate federal […]

Your Fault: Global Boiling Could Make Brain Health Worse

Yesterday we learned that climate apocalypse could maybe possibly they guess be making migraines worse. Now Climate Change Is Affecting Brain Health, Study Finds Conditions like dementia, epilepsy and depression could spread and worsen in severity as the world heats up. In a study released Wednesday, University College London researchers analyzed neuroscience literature to reveal how extreme […]

Democrats Overwhelmingly Voted Against Bill That Would Deport Illegals Who Attack Police

No one is actually surprised, are they? 148 Democrats Vote Against Bill to Deport Immigrants Who Attack Police A bill requiring the deportation of immigrants who attack police officers passed the House on Wednesday but not before 148 Democrats voted against it. The bill passed with a 265-148 vote, with an astonishing number of Democrats opposing it. […]

Pirate's Cove