Strangely, he had nothing to say about Norah O’Donnell taking a long, fossil fueled flight to interview him at the Vatican
Pope Francis: “Climate change at this moment is a road to death”
Pope Francis says the climate crisis has “gotten to the point of no return” as the planet continues to see the effects of global warming and world leaders have an even greater responsibility to take action.
“How worried are you about climate change?” CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor Norah O’Donnell asked Francis during a historic interview in Vatican City.
“Unfortunately, we have gotten to a point of no return. It’s sad, but that’s what it is. Global warming is a serious problem,” Francis replied. “Climate change at this moment is a road to death.”
How can he be the Pope when his has forsaken the Catholic church and joined the Cult of Climastrology?
Francis said wealthy countries reliant on fossil fuels are contributing to the problem.
The Vatican, a nation of its own, is pretty rich, and the Woke Pope takes lots of long, fossil fueled trips around the world. Likewise, around 5 million people take fossil fueled trips to the Vatican each year. Francis should tell them to stop doing that.
He apparently talked about a lot of stuff which seemed to be more his Wokeness than about Catholic doctrine emanating from The Bible and the teachings of Jesus.

Well, now that the Catholic Church has solved all their other worldly and spiritual problems, they have a lot of time on their hands for hobbies.
I once heard someone on the internet opine that you can tell when an organization has become infiltrated by leftists as they not only cannot accomplish their major purpose, they forget what that purpose is. Seems to fit in this case.
Since His Holiness has said, “We have gotten to a point of no return,” then there’s really no use in wasting time, energy, and money to return from something from which there is no return, right?
Sadly, His Holiness seems thoroughly consumed with 21st century liberal ideology, ignoring what the Bible says.
Pope Frank really, really, really wants to find a way to welcome queers into the Church, despite the biblical prohibition on homosexual activity, something which I suspect comes from the large percentage of homosexuals in the priesthood, and despite the fact that the vast majority of the sex abuse scandal is the result of homosexuals. The John Jay Report analysing all of the records of sexual abuse claims from 1950 through 2002 found that 81% of the reported incidents — not all of which advanced to the point of sexual contact, but includes reports of grooming behavior — involved boys, not girls. More, the largest demographic group was 11-14 year old boys, with the second largest being 15-17 year old boys. It hasn’t been actual pedophilia — the sexual interest in prepubescent children — but chickenhawks, older males who prefer younger boys as sex partners.
The House should impeach The Pope who has clearly been brainwashed by the The Cult! One cannot serve two Gods – The Church AND Science. You must choose.
The Catholic-hating Teach ignores that every major religion encourages that governments take global warming seriously. A majority of Catholics agree with the Pope on this.
The Pope has joined the leftist cabal that includes Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Protestant and Muslim leaders.
In the US, two thirds of Americans believe global warming results from burning fossil fuels. 31% of white evangelical Protestants consider global warming to be caused by burning fossil fuels. 28% of Republicans believe that. 29% of FOX watchers. 20% of those who get their news from other far-right sources.
The Pope needs to either abdicate OR return to the needs of the Church – abortion, contraception, head coverings for nuns, girl priests, priests as pedophiles etc, etc and so forth.
Chicken Little Karen Man
It’s not that I think you would make things up, I do.
But could we see the source for all these polls you spout about?
JL are you not able to use the internet to search?
Pew Research is considered the Gold Standard in polling
Oct 25 2023
“Climate Energy and Environment”
But PLEASE James, do your own search and post a poll that seems to disagree. Maybe one done by FoxNews?
The anti-Christian Mr Dowd wrote:
Good heavens! Mr Teach hates Catholics? Who could possibly be more surprised about that than me?
Just who here is “Catholic-hating”?
Rest easy Elwood the AMC networks are covering the asses of all those Italians out there from people like me who would actually call them Guineas. Cause we know how gentle souls like yourself would love to execute trump and kill all his followers but are triggered by calling somebody a stupid name. It proves how emotionally retarded you are.
Of course the film also includes murder, infidelity, robbery, extreme violence, etc. but those aren’t worthy of a special mention.
Projection LG
“we” tend to be more amused by you than hating you. The psychological distress that you show when fearing “military aged” migrants or your fears of in 11 years no longer being able to buy brand new fossil fueled vehicles bring smiles not frowns to our faces.
Mr Teach in the year 2035 is your biggest fear really going to be that you are no longer going to be able to buy a brand new fossil fueled car?
And when ar eyou going to tell us more about that new Honda Prologue
0 to 60 in 4 seconds? 100mpg? 300 mile range? 7 seats?
I was wondering when we’d get to “the point of no return”. It seems like decades…..
The extreme right wing has always hated Catholics and the Pope. KKK hated Catholics. My family was the first catholic family on the street, the first with 4 kids, and I was not allowed to join Cub scouts because the local troop was part of the protestant church (sorry John no openings in that pack) That would have been mid 50s. Cub scouts were allowed to wear their uniform AND carry a jack knife on the weekday of their after school meeting. JFK still faced bigotry in 1960 when political enemies on the right claimed he would have to take orders from the Pope.
And yet it was the extreme left communist that had him assassinated isn’t it funny?
So you actually were a Christian and denounced it turned away from Christ and decided to support communists Nazis and things like that? Boy are you a piece of garbage.
I think it’s funny that you think the traditional roots of Catholicism are witch burnings inquisitions of heretics Jew hatred and of course crusades to regain the Holy Land. What are you some kind of a fukin moron? Or do you just live in the past when it suits you so that you can use it against other people? That’s what it seems.
I didn’t think anybody in 2024 could be as close minded as you. But here you are.
Elwood and H’s Bible:

No, John was a Buddhist monk in India about the time we were all facing the draft. Now, Buddhism is a decent philosophy, but John could not even hack being a monk. Now he worships the communist.
lol The extreme right wing is still hoping maybe the Catholic Church will return to its traditional roots and practices: witch burnings, inquisition of heretics, Jew hatred, and of course crusades to regain the Holy Land.
fossil fueled air travel is pretty nuch all carbon offset now. Carbon offsetting only adds about 2% to the cost of air travel. Not that i would think many posters here have the courage to leave their reality bubble, or for that matter have enough jam in their sack to call any other man a guinea.
Yes I can and do use Google, but but why should I be trying to find the source? In this country the base line is simple.
If you make the charge you prove it.
Tell me h, what does the carbon offset buy us? How does it reduce global warming?? How many trees does it plant? How man windmills does it buy?
Now don’t be shy. Inquiring minds want to know.
Carbon boy is back with his fantasies about “offsets”! Is he ready to explain to us what an offset does when the, for instance, airplane still burns the same amount of fuel whether it’s offset or not? “Only 2% of the cost”. Why pay 2% for nothing? Even his godfather James Hansen thinks they’re a joke.
I guarantee you from what I’ve read here that LG Brandon has more “jam in his sack” then you have H any day of the week. A six foot two and weighs 245 has been a firefighter for over 20 years. You on the other hand are………? Nothing. LOL