Monthly Archives: July 2011

Mother Nature News To Alarmists: Psst, Don’t Mention The Weather

Chis Turner at MNN has a good point that most alarmists will ignore Hey, hot enough for ya? Global warming, more like global melting, amirite? It’s so hot out there even the coal lobbyists are rolling up their sleeves. It’s so scorching they’re using Rush Limbaugh’s hot air to cool down the offices at GOP […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

Obama’s Got a Super Secret Plan To Solve The Debt Crisis

No, really The White House is pushing back against the growing narrative that Obama is “sitting on the sidelines,” as reported by the New York Times yesterday, and letting Congress do all the work. As John Boehner spent the night trying to wrestle members into place to support his debt ceiling deal, Valerie Jarret reminded […]

Is It Over For The Climate Alarmists?

That’s the question that Powerline’s John Hinderaker asks, regarding the new report that NASA’s own data blows a gaping hole in global warming alarmism, a story I never got around to Thursday, due to time constraints from Real Life. John boils the whole thing down This could be the last nail in the coffin of […]

Politico Op-Ed: TEA Partiers Are Terrorists

The actual headline reads “The tea party’s terrorist tactics“, which is interesting, when one considers that The Politico, like so many other leftist news outlets, refers to actual Islamist terrorists as militants and insurgents. And, having kept track of so many liberal blogs and forums for a long time, the Left generally thinks of Conservatives […]

Warmist Richard Branson Moves Virgin To Switzerland

Yet another one of those evil rich who refuse to pay their fair share (via the Daily Bayonet) The company that owns the rights to the Virgin brand around the world is planning to relocate from London to Geneva in the coming weeks in a move that will reduce its tax bill. Switzerland has been […]

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will rise up and turn middle America into an inland sea, you might just be a Warmist

PFC Naser Abdo Arrested Over Concerns He Might Pull Off Another Ft. Hood Attack

Remember Naser Abdo? Yeah, he’s the Muslim soldier who voluntarily joined the Army but wanted conscientious objector status because he’s a Muslim. And now we find out, via Fox News At least one U.S. military serviceman has been arrested after raising concerns over another alleged plot to attack Fort Hood, Fox News has learned exclusively. […]

Oops! ObamaCare Actually Costs More Than Doing Nothing

Seriously, implementing a huge new entitlement program is more expensive than doing nothing? Who would have thought that? The Washington Times has the details (via Hot Air) Total spending is projected to grow annually by 5.8 percent under Mr. Obama’s Affordable Care Act, according to a 10-year forecast by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid […]

Man With No Plan Ramps Up PR In Debt Debate

President Snippy Pants is doing what he does best: voting present, then giving speeches As House Republicans slog toward a Thursday vote on raising the debt ceiling, President Obama and his staff have hit the airwaves in a massive, all-hands-on-deck public-relations effort to turn the tide of political opinion in their favor. All told, the […]

Pirate's Cove