Monthly Archives: March 2010

Netanyahu Meets Obama’s Big Bus

Does Obama wake up and say “which ally can I tick off today?” He has managed to annoy the Brits and their leaders, including the Queen, multiple times, Sarkozy, Merkel, the Israeli’s multiple times, the Pakistani’s, Iraqi leaders, Hamid Karzai several times. Now it is Binyamin Netanyahu’s chance to meet Obama’s bus, which is a […]

Obama: “Health Bill Moves Us Towards Universal Health Care”

Hey, weren’t they telling us that this whole health care push was not an attempt to create government health care? Someone should have told Obama in Iowa City today So, yes, this is a common-sense bill. It doesn’t do everything that everybody wants, but it moves us in the direction of universal health care coverage […]

Majority Favor Repeal Of Obasocialist Care

How’s that post passage bounce working? Just before the House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation last Sunday, 41% of voters nationwide favored the legislation while 54% were opposed. Now that President Obama has signed the legislation into law, most voters want to see it repealed. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, conducted […]

Thirsty Thursday! (20 Images)

Climategate Investigator Hides Eco Directorship

Another day, another story about the fox guarding the chicken coop. Andrew Orlowski at the UK Register has the exclusive The peer leading the second Climategate enquiry at the University of East Anglia serves as a director of one of the most powerful environmental networks in the world, according to Companies House documents – and […]

Can Congress Regulate Something You Haven’t Purchased Yet To Make You Purchase It?

This is almost like some sort of pre-cognition movie A flood of lawsuits from states seeking to block the health care law President Obama signed this week raises sharp questions about the power of the federal government to impose mandates on its citizens, but legal scholars disagree about how the cases will be decided if […]

Unf***ing Believable. Dems Who Voted Against The American People Are Now “Heroes”

I shit you not. In ye olde email from Excitable Timmy Kaine Subject: Heroes under attack William — We need to act. On Sunday night, many Congressional Democrats in tough districts cast courageous votes for health reform — even though they knew that insurance companies and their Republican allies would retaliate immediately. Well, the attacks […]

When Drunken Ideas Come To Fruition (19 Images)

Washington State Dems Look To Shut Down ObamaCare Lawsuit

You know that when Democrats say the debate is over, and attempt any and everything to shut down debate, they know they are in the wrong, and do not want anyone else to know about it. Case in point OLYMPIA — Democrats in the state Legislature are considering a budget maneuver to block Republican Attorney […]

What Say To Eco-Sex? And, Yes, AGW Is Involved

Yes, I am an environmentalist. Yes, I believe in sustainability. Yes, I believe in conservation, renewable energy sources, saving the manatees, restricting the harvesting of marine animals such as whales, sharks, and dolphins. I like clean air, water, and land. That said, it is things like this which make me say I am an environmentalist […]

Pirate's Cove