Monthly Archives: June 2009

Aside: Krugman Accuses Republicans Of ‘A Form Of Treason’

Newsbusters: Krugman Accuses Republicans Of ‘A Form Of Treason’

Aside: Wonkette Goes After Trig

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Wonkette Goes After Trig Palin Again

Queen Nancy Says No Transparency On ObamaCare Bill

The most ethical Congress EVAH! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) will not give the public a week to review the final text of a health-care reform bill before it is voted on later this year. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) has also declined to commit to giving the public a week to read and […]

Four Questions For Climahysteric Cap ‘N Taxers

With the passage of the massively insane Waxman-Markey cap and tax bill, here are four questions to ask those who support it, particularly the politicians who voted for it and AGW leaders such as Al Gore 1. Did you read the bill before throwing your support behind it? Did you read the 300 page dead of […]

Axelrod Discusses Breaking Yet Another Obama Pledge

Not that the Democrat Congress and the Obama administration hasn’t already broken their pledge to not raise taxes on those making less than $250k a year already (cigarette tax, cap and tax bill, among others), but, we all a saw those of us who were not hypnotized by Obama saw the taxes increases coming, and […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Sun is shining, birds are singing, the hummingbirds are getting bold enough to hover in front of my face looking at me not much farther out then the bill of a baseball cap. Ever try and focus on their wings 6 inches away? My eyes still hurt This pinup is by Al Buell, […]

AGW Today: Losers, Compromise, And Censored EPA Report

Who were the losers in the cap and tax bill? Anyone who pays an electric bill would likely feel the impact of climate legislation. Utilities will try to raise rates as they invest in cleaner-yet-more-expensive energy sources. Some have already announced plans to do so. Petroleum companies also may try to import more of their refined gas […]

Gaffemaster J Does It Again!

Dear Lord, does it ever stop? Biden also praised Tim Kaine as the “great governor of New Jersey.” One problem: Tim Kaine’s not governor of New Jersey. Jon Corzine (right) is governor of New Jersey (Remember, he didn’t wear his seatbelt in the state patrol car for the big high-speed crash). Tim Kaine is governor […]

Immigration “Reform” Dead?

Let’s hope so, since it is simply a slightly stealth way of giving illegal aliens a free pass White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel bluntly admitted Thursday that “the votes aren’t there” to win comprehensive immigration legislation — even as President Barack Obama met with a bipartisan group of lawmakers in an attempt to […]

Data Dump: What’s In The Cap And Tax Bill?

I made the mistake of going over to Thomas and skimming through the majority of the climate change OMG WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE IF THIS ISN’T PASSED! THINK OF THE CHILDREN (they didn’t think of the children when they passed Porkulus) MANKIND IS BAD SAVE THE WORLD NOW monstrosity of a legislative bill. Here […]

Pirate's Cove