What happens when you mix socialized medicine with AGW idiocy? The Lower Mainland’s health authorities will have to dig more than $4 million a year out of their already stretched budgets to pay B.C.’s carbon tax and offset their carbon footprints. Critics say the payments mean the government’s strategy to fight climate change will further […]
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- drowningpuppies on Harris “Real Men” Ad Is A Dumpster Fire Of Cringe: “No need to discuss anything further with a draft dodger like the cowardly Rimjob who spit on returning Vietnam vets…” Oct 13, 14:23
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- Elwood P. Dowd on Harris “Real Men” Ad Is A Dumpster Fire Of Cringe: “The cowardly Pissant, like his supervisor Teach, was a full-“throated” advocate for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq yet didn’t…” Oct 13, 13:46