Monthly Archives: October 2014

The Democrat Rubber Stamp Club 2014

Guess where Kay Hagan resides? ICYMI the 2014 Rubber Stamp Club… makes you wonder if they assumed 2014 scores wouldn't be out before the — Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) October 27, 2014 Via Smitty.

Just How Toxic Is Obama For The Midterms?

This toxic, via The Daily Caller’s Matt Lewis Things appear to be tightening in Maryland, where a poll leaked to The Daily Caller shows the gubernatorial race is “extremely close — only 2 points, 46 to 44, separate Democratic Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown and Republican small businessman Larry Hogan.” One should always be cognizant of outliers — and […]

Shocking News: People With Ocare Are Having A Tough Time Finding A Doctor

USA Today has a history of recycling news from the past when it comes to “climate change”, rarely ever with any new information. In this case, they are telling us something we knew almost a year ago, but have added what has been going on for almost a year Some doctors wary of taking insurance […]

Obama/Democrat Obola Border Policy

All Those Halloween Pumpkins Are Bad For “Climate Change”

Have I mentioned what Climourette Syndrome is yet? It’s similar to Tourette Syndrome as portrayed on TV, where, instead of blurring out naughty words on a constant basis, Warmists constantly add “climate change” to everything that happens, including real issues. Case in point (UK Independent) As you scoop out your Halloween pumpkin this week, spare […]

If All You See…

…are evil climate deniers with horns and such, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is American Power, with a post on Dems pining the blame on President Obolo.

Good Grief: Melting Arctic Doubles Chance Of Harsh European Winter

Five of the last 6 winters have been harsh in Europe, particularly in England. Europe has barely had a spring the last two years. In Warmist World, this is caused by warming from greenhouse gases released because you drove to work this morning, and possibly even got an iced coffee Arctic Ice Melt Seen Doubling […]

Kay Hagan In Her Own Words

Via Free Beacon, which notes The ad points out that during her six years in office, Hagan has not written a single bill that became law. “Voting 92 percent of the time with the president, whether you support him or not, doesn’t work here in North Carolina,” Hagan said in 2008. By her own measure, […]

Post-Islamic Terrorist Attacks, CBC Wonders If Islam Is The “Green Religion”

Canada has seen two terrorist attacks in recent weeks. First there was the hit and run by an Islamist on a Canadian soldier. Then there was a the gunman who killed another Canadian solder, of which the Royal Canadian Mounted Police state was driven by ideology. Islamic ideology. Now we get this from the Canadian […]

When You Really Need Something Nutty, Look Towards Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Debbie Delusional-Deflecting had an interesting Sunday. Appearing on CNN’s State Of The Union, she had a wild exchange with RNC Chair Reince Priebus where she consistently refused to answer the question about whether Obama’s policies were on the ballot or not. She kept deflecting, he kept asking her to answer the question. Then we get […]

Pirate's Cove