Daily Archives: October 1, 2010

Schwarzenegger Signs Marijuana Decriminalization Bill, Holder Immediately Sues California

Sorry, my bad, that was a bit of fantasy that the Federal government, which sued Arizona over their illegal immigration bill using the “Supremacy Clause,” would follow suit California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) Thursday signed into law a bill that decriminalizes the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana. The bill reduces simple possession […]

10:10 Movement Says “Go Green Or We’ll Kill Your Kids”

OK, Believers, defend this Truly disgusting. Exploding kids to push the climate alarmism agenda. Has it come to this, alarmists? Is this what you are about? Following the same playbook as Islamic terrorists? The unhinged Guardian called this “attention getting” Had a look? Well, I’m certain you’ll agree that detonating school kids, footballers and movie […]

Snap! Stimulus Given High Marks In Report By…….

They just can’t help themselves The massive economic stimulus package President Obama pushed through Congress last year is coming in on time and under budget – and with strikingly few claims of fraud or abuse – according to a White House report to be released Friday. Shocking! The White House giving itself and A+ for […]

Mega-Evil Fox News Owner Calls For Amnesty For Law Abiding Illegals….Wait, What?

What a quandary for liberals: the man they love to personally loathe (among so many others they do not know and have never met) has a position that almost completely mirrors their own. They haven’t had this much angst since Bush and Darth Rove were pushing for amnesty years ago News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch […]

Pirate's Cove