Monthly Archives: February 2010

Collapsing Science Today: Climate Alarmists In Denial

Poor babies. They have truly lost their way. They say they are interested in the science, but, alas, they are too wrapped up in their failed notion that mankind is mostly or solely the cause of the warming trend that started at the end of the Little Ice Age, and are unable to come to […]

Iraq War To Be Renamed, We Can All Thank George Bush For Staying Strong

Jake Tapper has an exclusive regarding the renaming of Operation Iraqi Freedom, which, perhaps, should be renamed “Operation Bush Was Right” ABC News has learned that the Obama administration has decided to give the war in Iraq — currently known as Operation Iraqi Freedom — a new name. The new name: “Operation New Dawn.” In […]

This One Picture Brought To You By…

…. the phrase “oh, crap, I forgot to press “schedule post” earlier today so I’ll bring you those images Friday. Sigh.”

Five Muslim Soldiers Arrested At Fort Jackson

This just makes one wonder how many more radical Muslims have infiltrated our armed services CBN News has learned exclusively that five Muslim soldiers at Fort Jackson in South Carolina were arrested just before Christmas. It is unclear whether the men are still in custody. The five were part of the Arabic Translation program at […]

Duke Lacrosse Rape Accuser Charged With Attempted 1st Degree Murder

It’s probably raaaaacist for me to even blog this Durham police arrested Duke lacrosse accuser Crystal Gale Mangum, 33, late Wednesday after she allegedly assaulted her boyfriend, set his clothes on fire in a bathtub and threatened to stab him. Authorities charged her with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, assault and battery, communicating […]

In Malaysia, Men And Women Caned For Sex Out Of Wedlock

One would hope that this story would be an eye-opener to all those liberals and dhimmis who think we can actually have a rational conversation and mutual respect with those who are pushing the radical Islamic viewpoint. Sadly, when it comes to human rights and women’s rights in hard line Muslim countries, all these left […]

Ezra Klein Trots Out The Left’s Best Argument Against Cross-State Insurance

By best, what is meant is a sad, lame, ridiculous, pathetic, weak, and grasping at straws argument The big Republican idea to bring down health-care costs is to “let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines.” Jon Chait has some commentary here, but I want to simplify a little bit. Insurance is currently […]

Sheriff Joe: All Those Stimulus Jobs Are For The Second Half

Remember all the talk about the Stimulus being about shovel ready jobs? Remember how this legislation was just so danged important that no one would be allowed to take the time to read it, it had to be voted on right now or OMG WE’RE DOOMED? Of course, Barry waited 5 days to sign it. […]

Nature Rocks (20 Images)

Collapsing Science Today: Fog, Wildfires, And Antarctic Sea Ice

Let’s start with the perfect headline for belief in AGW (note: the site is not a climate alarmist one) Climate change causes an increase and a decrease in San Francisco fog How can that be? A story in today’s Daily Telegraph proclaims, “Fog over San Francisco thins by a third due to climate change.” A […]

Pirate's Cove