Monthly Archives: August 2022

White House Press Secretary Declares 73.6 Million Americans Enemies Of The State

They’re telling you what they really believe. Are you listening? And not 5 minutes later, Jean-Pierre says, without a hint of irony, "violence or threats of violence have absolutely no place in our society…It doesn't matter which side of the aisle that you're sitting on. We need to denounce that." — John Cooper (@thejcoop) August […]

Hey, Is Biden’s EV Charging Station Plan Blowing Off Low Income And Black Areas?

Well, really, why would EV stations be necessary in low income areas? They won’t be able to afford them, same as the lower and middle middle class folks. This is all to take care of his rich donors and supporters Is Biden’s goal to build charging stations for electric cars leaving low-income areas behind? The […]

If All You See…

…are Christmas lights still plugged in causing vampire electricity, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on just getting used to it, you little “semi-fascist” pigs.

Brandon Decides That Threatening Law Abiding Gun Owners Is A Great Idea

Hey, remember when Democrats and their pet media complained about Mean Tweets? Does anyone remember him threatening pretty the entire segment of those who vote for the other guy? Biden Says The Military Can Obliterate The Second Amendment President Joe Biden said Tuesday while in Pennsylvania that “brave right wing Americans” who claim the Second […]

Your Fault: Receding Glaciers Reveal Viking Weapons

If you would just be willing to give up your freedom, money, and life choices to Government we could solve this Prehistoric Viking weapons revealed as glaciers melt in Norway during heat wave Archaeologists discovered Viking-era weapons in Norway as the summer’s heat wave melts glaciers across Europe. A research team from the Secrets of the […]

Surprise: NJ Banned Plastic Bags, So, People Are Stealing Shopping Baskets

Usually we could say “who could have seen this coming?”, but, actually, this is one that’s more of “no one thought this would happen” New Jersey banned plastic bags. So, people are stealing grocery store shopping baskets Grocery store customers are walking off with those plastic hand baskets you find in the supermarket, an apparent consequence of New […]

Bidenconomy: One In Six American Homes Behind On Energy Bills

Not that Biden and his people care. The high prices help get Americans used to the high prices we’ll pay with “green” alternatives ‘I expect a tsunami of shutoffs’: 20M American households now can’t afford to pay their utility bills on time — here are 3 simple ways to drop your monthly costs The U.S. […]

If All You See…

…is a river that will soon superflood from Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on no level of green piety satisfying the climate cult. This apparently missed the autopost window yesterday, so, posting today.

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is American Power, with a post on the teacher shortage.

Biden To Give Prime-Time Speech Dividing America Thursday

Does anyone think this will be live? Or, will it be recorded? Biden to give prime-time speech about ‘soul of the nation’ as voters prepare to cast midterm ballots President Joe Biden plans to deliver a prime-time speech this week about how America’s “rights and freedoms are still under attack,” returning to the core message […]

Pirate's Cove