Daily Archives: August 26, 2022

We Now Know The Perfect Temperature For Your Home, Which Is Bad For ‘Climate Change’

Is there are reason people need to keep coming out with this stuff? Things like My sister and I squeezed into Amtrak’s $600 roomette for 35 hours. Look inside our 23-square-foot space with a closet, beds, and no bathroom. (who cares? You chose to do this) Airline passenger shares major hack for picking the best […]

If All You See…

…is an area drying up because Other People won’t take mass transit, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on death panels in Canada. As a sidebar, I do find photos like this rather ridiculous. You’ve gone to an interesting spot, and, rather than […]

IRS Administrator Fails To Specifically Say Those Making Under $400k Will Avoid The IRS

Current IRS Administrator Charles P. Rettig decided to write an opinion piece meant to soothe and convince those making under $400k that they will not be targets of the IRS expansion, but, can’t quite say that they won’t be targets. Don’t forget that in tax cases, you are guilty until proven innocent IRS sets the […]

Huge Gathering In Jackson Hole Complains About Climate Doom

Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with this? Climate change alters life at Fed’s Jackson Hole conference When officials of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City sought a location for an annual economic symposium in 1982, they chose Jackson Hole, Wyoming, for a simple reason: It had fly-fishing. Paul Volcker, the Fed chairman at the […]

DHS Head Whines About Texas Governor’s Actions On Illegal Aliens

It wouldn’t be necessary for Greg Abbott to take actions if the federal government would do their job as required by the Constitution and duly passed federal law Texas Border Patrol agents meet with DHS Sec. Mayorkas, who blasts Gov. Abbott’s border actions: ‘wreak havoc’ Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas traveled to Eagle Pass, Texas […]

Pirate's Cove