Daily Archives: August 29, 2022

Hmm: Will Electric Cars Be More Expensive To Run Than Gas Vehicles?

Again, I’m not against EVs: I’ve said many times that I’m not a fan of gasoline, as it pollutes, and I don’t mean CO2. But, there are just so many issues with EVs, starting with the price of new. Then, the concern that you’ll have to pay $20K plus to replace the batteries on a […]

Bideconomy: Surge Of Rent Evictions Coming

In fairness, there’s more than plenty of blame to go around, starting with China for mucking around with coronaviruses and letting one go, on purpose or by accident. And Anthony Fauci and the NIH for funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology. All those governors, counties, and cities who shut things down in a biased manner, […]

Scam: ‘Climate Change’ Funds Used For Parking Lots

Sounds like a good use of The People’s (borrowed against the future) money, eh? Majority of funds for climate change program went to repave Bloomsburg parking lots The U.S. Department of Agriculture is sending $740,000 to Pennsylvania for “critical infrastructure to combat climate change” – but most of the money will go toward repaving parking […]

Brandon Admin Planning On Fall Push For Chinese Coronavirus Vaccination

Didn’t Biden say he was “going to shut down the virus, not the economy”? I’m guess he failed on both White House effort to stave off fall COVID surge with new boosters faces uphill battle The White House is rushing ahead to roll out a new COVID-19 booster shot campaign in early September, but is […]

Pirate's Cove