Monthly Archives: May 2019

If All You See…

…is a world flooded from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Evil Blogger Lady, with a post on the meaning of Memorial Day. And, a double shot below the fold, so, check out Jihad Watch, with a post on the Ramadan rage count.

CNN Hot-Take: Trump Arrives In Japan For Flattery

World leaders travel the world, and get pomp and flattery. International diplomacy, right? Nothing unusual, right? Certainly, Obama received that type of treatment. But, hey, we’re in the age of Trump, so Trump arrives in Japan eager for flattery and pomp President Donald Trump arrived in Japan on Saturday eager for a visit salted with […]

NY Times Wonders Why Jay Inslee Isn’t Catching On When ‘Climate Change’ Isn’t

There really is a very simply answer for this, which NY Times writer Tripp Gabriel misses Climate Change Is Catching On With Voters. Why Isn’t Jay Inslee? For years, climate change was an issue of passionate concern to a few voters, but never enough to ripple presidential politics. The Hillary Clinton-Donald Trump debates in 2016 […]

Chicago School To Spend $53k To Reprint Yearbooks With “White Supremacist” Hand Sign Or Something

Has no one explained that they are being punked? That it is not a white supremacist sign? That it was a joke that they fell for? That it is something completely different? If so, they didn’t listen High school reprints yearbooks after students seen flashing alleged racist signs A Chicago high school will reprint its […]

Hot Take: Young Warmists Blame ‘Climate Change’ For Small 401k Balances

It couldn’t have anything to do with them getting degrees that have little market/job value while running up tens of thousands in student loans debt for those bad degree decisions, right? It’s definately your fault for driving a fossil fueled vehicle and living a modern lifestyle Young people blame climate change for their small 401(k) […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle causing cactus’ to grown in areas, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Deplorable Climate Science Blog, with a post on the Memorial Day weekend global warming devastation.

AOC Loses Mind Over Tornado Warning, Blames ‘Climate Change’

I wonder if she realizes that they get tornado watches and warnings even in NYC, which is normal, and what is called “weather”? Sigh (Daily Caller) Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested the tornado warning that hit the D.C. area Thursday was part of the “climate crisis” she has previously said humanity only […]

Dem Senators Want NBC Debate To Focus On ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

I suppose this might work during an early primary debate, but, it will be interesting to see what the ratings are if they do make it happen, because ‘climate change’ action seems to be popular in theory, not so much in practice, especially when the candidates start talking about the cost of living increases and […]

Racial Prejudice Has Declined In Trump Era

Of course, the study that tells us this and the Washington Post attempt to spin it away as something else, in a way that almost seems to be Blaming him, but, remember, racial prejudice skyrocketed during the Obama era Racial prejudice has declined as a reaction to Trump’s presidency, a new study suggests Donald Trump began […]

Latest Warmist Idea: Nine Hour Work Week To Stop Hotcoldwetdry

So, who’s going to pay for all the modern lifestyles? Craziest-ever #ClimateScamBS?: UK workers may "need to move to NINE-HOUR WEEKS" to "tackle" the imaginary climate crisis. #ClimateBrawl@revkin and @ClimateOfGavin, your thoughts? — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) May 22, 2019 From the screed People across Europe will need to work drastically fewer hours to avoid […]

Pirate's Cove