It couldn’t have anything to do with them getting degrees that have little market/job value while running up tens of thousands in student loans debt for those bad degree decisions, right? It’s definately your fault for driving a fossil fueled vehicle and living a modern lifestyle
Young people blame climate change for their small 401(k) balances
Lori Rodriguez, a 27-year-old communications professional in New York City, is not saving for retirement, and it isn’t necessarily because she can’t afford to — it’s because she doesn’t expect it to matter.
Like many people her age, Rodriguez believes climate change will have catastrophic effects on our planet. Some 88% of millennials — a higher percentage than any other age group — accept that climate change is happening, and 69% say it will impact them in their lifetimes. Engulfed in a constant barrage of depressing news stories, many young people are skeptical about saving for an uncertain future.
“I want to hope for the best and plan for a future that is stable and secure, but, when I look at current events and at the world we are predicting, I do not see how things could not be chaotic in 50 years,†Rodriguez says. “The weather systems are already off, and I don’t think it’s hyperbolic to be a little apocalyptic.â€
It could be that the older Warmists have made them have more mental issues
Mental-health issues affecting young adults and adolescents in the U.S. have increased significantly in the past decade, a study published in March in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found. The number of individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 reporting symptoms of major depression increased 52% from 2005 to 2017, while older adults did not experience any increase in psychological stress at this time, and some age groups even saw decreases. Study author Jean Twenge says this may be attributed to the increased use of digital media, which has changed modes of interaction enough to impact social lives and communication. Millennials are also said to suffer from “eco-anxiety,†according to a 2018 report from the American Psychological Association, with 72% saying their emotional well-being is affected by the inevitability of climate change, compared with just 57% of people over the age of 45.
So, a tiny 1.5F increase in temperatures since 1850 is making them loopy? Oh, brother.
Meanwhile, two-thirds of millennials — defined by Pew as the generation born between 1981 and 1996 — have nothing saved for retirement, according to the National Institute on Retirement Security. The millennials who are saving had an average balance of $25,500 and were contributing 7.3% of their paychecks as of the second quarter of 2018, figures from Fidelity showed. While most millennials say they are not saving because they simply can’t afford to, for others it’s about the feeling that they may not have a future to save for, says Matt Fellowes, chief executive officer of United Income, an online retirement investment platform based in Washington, D.C.
My generation (Gen X, born in 1967) and previous ones had to deal with the very real specter of nuclear war, yet, we still saved. I don’t necessarily blame these little idiots, it’s their elders who have made them this way, particularly the news media and education system. They’re just too fragile.
This keeps going and going, ending with something that should be at the beginning before the Millennials tune out and hit a new site
Erin Lowry, author of “Broke Millennial Takes On Investing,†recommends preparing for retirement no matter what you believe will happen, referencing the Y2K phenomenon, when some people sold their belongings and made other rash choices in the belief that the world would end with the dawn of the year 2000.
“Even if you have a defeatist mind-set about the future of the planet, it’s better to prepare as though you, and the planet, will survive into your retirement years because the alternative is also bleak,†she said. “Failing to properly plan for a future means guaranteeing yourself a more difficult life.â€
Because the planet will survive. Doom is not coming.

So, it was still Miss Rodriguez’s personal decision not to have an IRA or 401(k), right?
The idea that anyone who works at a company with an employer match of 401(k) contributions wouldn’t participate is just plain stupid; it’s like turning down a 3 or 4 or whatever percent raise.
Idiot losers. If they were really concerned about the possibility of a climate disaster they would work harder and live cheaper and save everything they could so they could buy a plot of land in the Canadian Rockies or wherever the climate apocalypse gurus tell them is safest from the effects of climate change