Daily Archives: May 29, 2019

Mueller Investigation Gets To The Truth

Mueller Investigation Concludes Hillary Clinton Was Actually Just A Terrible Candidatehttps://t.co/fH63YBbTUg — The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) May 29, 2019 So, um, Dems? Actually, keep going. It’ll make sure Trump is re-elected.

New Jersey Looks To Put More Firearms Restrictions On Law Abiding Citizens

New Jersey is already one of the strictest states in the Union when it comes to law abiding citizens and firearms. Yet, still has lots of shootings. And, I’ll be perfectly honest, I do not mind some of these proposals, at least not if they were tweaked a bit. But, they aren’t going to stop […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the Left’s thirst of gun control.

Say, Will ‘Climate Change’ Cause Humans To Go Extinct Or Something?

Humanity has survived millions of years of constantly changing climate. We’ve gone through hot, we’ve gone through ice ages. Humanity has spread from the wilds of Africa to the tips of the world. We live in warm, cool, cold, hot, wet, arid. We live in mountains, we live on plains, we’re on islands, we’re in […]

New Warmist Idea: Let Jailed Felons Vote To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

This has absolutely nothing to do with politics, right? Just because it dove-tails perfectly with the Leftist push to allow felons to vote has no bearing, right? Just a coincidence, right? ENVIRONMENTALISTS SAY IMPRISONED FELONS SHOULD BE ABLE TO VOTE BECAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING Environmentalists joined the far-left campaign to give voting rights to incarcerated […]

Kamala Harris Wants To Make Companies Guilty Till Proven Innocent On “Wage Gap”

This is why we have a Constitution, to stop this kind of thing (via Twitchy) Instead of having workers claim and then prove discrimination, Kamala Harris wants the opposite: Companies would have to prove a negative—that they aren’t discriminating. https://t.co/YvjBvaesAH — Wall Street Journal Opinion (@WSJopinion) May 28, 2019 That WSJ piece notes Under Ms. Harris’s plan, […]

Pirate's Cove