Monthly Archives: October 2012

Washington Post: If Obama Loses, It’s Surely Due To Racism

The WP is running two articles today, on a “story” and the other an op-ed, which make it quite clear that you damned white racists who don’t support Obama are racist. First, the “story” The 2012 election is shaping up to be more polarized along racial lines than any presidential contest since 1988, with President […]

Man Who Raises Massive Amounts Of Campaign Cash Whines About Others With Campaign Cash

In case you haven’t figured it out, the man in question is Barack H. Obama (Daily Caller) President Barack Obama used an interview from the luxury cabin of Air Force One to decry campaign spending by himself and his opponents. “I think the amount of money that is being spent in my campaign and Mr. […]

Warmists Still Really Bummed That Climate Change Not An Election Issue

They really can’t help themselves. Nor have they become carbon neutral (Huffington Post) Of the roughly 50,000 words spoken in this month’s three presidential debates, none were “climate change,” “global warming” or “greenhouse gas.” HuffPo is also upset that other issues have been blown off The 2012 presidential campaign, not just the debates, has focused […]

If All You See…

…is a rising ocean that will cause islands to tip over, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Conservative Commune, with a post on Leading From Below.

Hey, When Did Colorado Become Chinese Property?

Does this mean that the US only has 57 states now? (via Twitchy) “I want to build on the progress we’ve made. Doubling clean energy. I want fuel efficient cars and long-lasting batteries and wind turbines manufactured here in China! I don’t want them manufactured in China, I want them manufactured here in the United […]

On 10th Anniversary, Netroots Bummed That They’ve Been Marginalized

At one point, the Netroots, the bloggers and such on the Left, were a major force within the Democrat Party. That was a time when George W. Bush was in office, and Democrats wanted that cool, sweet money and support from people who intentionally decided to see how crazy they could be. Who constantly referred […]

Obama’s Lead Amongst Women Erased By Romney

An interesting poll from the AP, in which women are apparently not impressed with the negative small ball campaign of Obama’s, nor his believing that women only care about their #LadyParts (WRAL) Less than two weeks out from Election Day, Republican Mitt Romney has erased President Barack Obama’s 16-point advantage among women, a new Associated […]

Team Obama Uses Puerto Rican Flag To Push Obama’s Plan

Organizing for America wants all their peeps to push out Obama’s marvelous, stupendous, world changing, er, miniscule 5 page plan (6 if you count the cover page) to all the people they no longer want to be friends with. On the 5th page they used the…..Air Force symbol, which, I guess they can sort of […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, a smartphone that sucks vampire electricity, and a bad orange tan from too much exposure to the sun aggravated by atmospheric CO2, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Plank’s Constant, with a post on Osama and Gaddafi registering to vote in (surprise!) Chicago.

Know Why Hotcoldwetdry Is Dying? Racism

I read this David Roberts piece over at Grist the other day, but, I missed an important part. Fortunately, Steven Goddard points it out. Roberts starts out with  Watch this absolutely extraordinary video from the 1988 vice presidential debate, dug up by Brad Johnson of Forecast the Facts: This is from 1988 — 24 years […]

Pirate's Cove