Monthly Archives: October 2012

“Children Of The Future”: Another Unhinged Leftist Video Taking Advantage Of Kids

It’s all about blaming Mom and Dad. And Republicans. Conservatives. The last 4 years of the Romney presidency….huh? He hasn’t been president? That’s weird. (Daily Caller) A new video from the founders of a celebrated advertising agency features children “of the future” singing about the aftermath of a Mitt Romney presidency: A world where sick […]

I’m Still Waiting For All That Sweet Sweet Climate Denial Cash

Warmists just can’t help themselves. They are continually searching for some rationale to show that their cult is dying due to something other than people realizing it’s a bunch of mule fritters. Here’s Climate Science Watch (via Tom Nelson) PBS FRONTLINE’s “Climate of Doubt,” an investigation of the global warming disinformation campaign and its sources […]

If All You See…

…are lovely trees taking CO2 from Other People out of the air, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is small dead animals, with a post on why Benghazi matters. The picture comes via Raised On Hoecakes, who I featured yesterday.

Hooray! Warmists Find One Obama Green Project That Has Not Failed!

I caught the tweet on this from David Roberts of Grist yesterday, but didn’t feel like doing a long post on my Android. He’s really psyched! Despite GOP jeers, BrightSource succeeds in solar Over the last year or so, Republicans have woven a tale of collapse and futility around clean energy. Each setback for the […]

Just Stop: Video Purports To Show Obama Being Born In Kenyan Hospital

Enough. Seriously. Stop. Move on. This is just stupid. “Just wondering” about Obama’s birth certificate can be amusing, and, in honesty, good traffic bait (much like posting something negative about Ron Paul), but, just stop (The Blaze)  So, an “anonymous source” has sent Vice magazine a one-minute video that purports to be home footage of […]

Obama States That The Election “Has Nothing To Do With Libya”

Obama took time for an interview with KUSA-TV Friday, and reporter Kyle Clark decided to perform a random act of journalism (while Brian Williams was following Obama around and slobbering) (video at the link) President Obama discussed the situation in Libya during a satellite interview Friday afternoon with 9NEWS reporter Kyle Clark, who also asked […]

Surprise! Warmist Links Hurricane Sandy And Hotcoldwetdry

You just knew that someone would do this, right? Michael Tobis steps up to the plate (via Marc Morano) (Planet 3.0) Climate related? Well, Sandy is one of the new breed of very geographically large tropical storms. And the jet stream is in one of its wamdering moods, also associated with climate change, where what […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, who isn’t really happy with AT&T.

Help Denied During Benghazi Attack Multiple Times

Heads need to roll. Fox News has an exclusive report Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack several hours later was denied by officials in the CIA chain […]

Romney Fan Brings The Cuteness

Via Teresamerica and Twitchy So cute – Gov says “I get to meet a superhero!” Little girl responds, “I get to meet my hero!”… — Mitt’s Body Man (@dgjackson) October 24, 2012

Pirate's Cove