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- James Lewis on Your Fault: Snow Could Be Worse Due To Global Boiling: “Chickie Little Man Try reading what i wrote “warmer cold fronts thus reducing the interaction with warm fronts reducing bad…” Dec 8, 21:40
- drowningpuppies on Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup: “Bend over and take it like a man. Kinda like your investors in Galera, huh Rimjob? Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser! Maga47…” Dec 8, 16:00
- Elwood P Dowd on Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup: “Assad has reportedly arrived in Moscow. Murdering dictators stick together. Was Mrs Abraham Williams involved?” Dec 8, 15:22
- L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! on Your Fault: Snow Could Be Worse Due To Global Boiling: “ I call you a MAGAnazi because you are! I call you a whore and a bully because you are.…” Dec 8, 15:21
- Elwood P Dowd on Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup: “Putin’s massive international money-laundering system involves crypto-currencies!! Our President-to-be just opened his own crypto-currency company!! We have no longer have…” Dec 8, 14:07
Daily Archives: November 21, 2009
It’s Burkha Barbie! No, Seriously. I’m Not Kidding. Really
November 21, 2009 – 11:05 am
How to spread Dhimmitude to young girls of Progressive parents One of the world’s most famous children’s toys, Barbie, has been given a makeover – wearing a burkha. Wearing the traditional Islamic dress, the iconic doll is going undercover for a charity auction in connection with Sotheby’s for Save The Children. More than 500 Barbies […]
As AGW Is Exposed As A Hoax, EU President Tells Us The Real Purpose
November 21, 2009 – 9:55 am
On Friday, we found out that the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit server was hacked, which was, as The Air Vent put it, 62mb of gold. The files, especially the emails, are very damning to the AGW movement, and could be the final nail in the coffin of human induced global warming, er, […]