Iran and North Korea: random thought

The left keeps telling us that W took his eye off the ball, and missed OBL (or UBL: whatever). Yet they want to “do something” about North Korea and Iran. Could any liberal out there explain what those 2 countries have to do with OBL and Al Queda? Kerry and Edwards sure seem like they are taking their eye’s off the ball. They say they will “do something.” Does that include military action? Wouldn’t that be a “distraction” from the WOT?

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One Response to “Iran and North Korea: random thought”

  1. Ogre says:

    No, it would NOT involve military action. The left does not believe military action solves anything. It will only be used to distract, not for it’s real purpose. When the left talks of “doing something” about dictators and terrorist, it means things like asking them nicely to stop, passing UN resolutions, and giving them money in an attempt to bribe them to stop.

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