Monthly Archives: March 2017

If All You See…

…is a wonderful field which would be perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The H2, with a post on moderately modest Monday.

Your Flat Screen TV Is Causing The Somalia Drought

No, really Drought and war are leading to a 4-nation African famine, the "biggest humanitarian disaster since World War II" — Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) March 27, 2017 NYT: They suffer from other people’s… attachment to things like flat-screen TVs that most Somalis will touch only in their dreams. — Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) March 27, […]

British City Linked To Islamic Jihadis Winces And Wonders Why Or Something

Navel gazing while missing all the lint British City Linked to Jihadis Winces and Asks Why Outside the Maasha’Allah internet cafe, Mohammed Hussain raised his voice over the recorded Quranic verses blaring from the abaya shop two doors down. He was furious that Britain’s latest terrorist attacker had amplified his city’s stigma. “Why do all […]

First World Problems: United Airlines Catches Flack For Enforcing Rules On Dress Code

Interestingly, the same people who are having hissy fits typically not only refuse to slam fundamentalist Islam it’s requirements on the way women dress, they usually defend it (Fox News) United Airlines came under fire Sunday after two teenage girls were barred by a gate attendant from boarding a flight from Denver to Minneapolis because […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike which Everyone Else should be forced to use, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on yet another reason Trump was elected. It’s bike week!

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! It’s a great day in America. The sun is shining, spring warmth is in the air, the geese woke me up again. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 JoNova notes EU countries taking advantage of climate rules […]

Poll: Majority Do Not Want To Live In A Sanctuary City

There should be a law that every Democrat who supports illegal aliens must live in a sanctuary city (The Blaze) The majority of Americans oppose having their city declared a “sanctuary city” to protect illegal immigrants, a new poll reveals. According to a new Rasmussen Reports poll, only 35 percent of likely U.S. voters favor […]

Latest Moonbat Idea: Trained Witnesses To Hinder ICE Operations

This sounds like a super dandy idea (via Jazz Shaw at Hot Air) (SF Gate)  Earlier this month, a network of organizations working under the umbrella group Bay Resistance trained hundreds of volunteers on how to legally observe, so they know how to witness and amass evidence when ICE officers are conducting enforcement efforts. Between […]

Things Blamed On ‘Climate Change’: Brexit And Venezuela Invading Columbia

It’s utterly amazing that a trace gas that is just over 400 parts per million in the atmosphere can do so darned much Climate change helped cause Brexit, says Al Gore Brexit was caused in part by climate change, former US Vice-President Al Gore has said, warning that extreme weather is creating political instability “the world […]

If All You See…

…is a massive waste of energy causing the earth to boil and the seas to rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on how negative the media coverage of Trump was and where the donations went.

Pirate's Cove