The heck you say, as Julie Kelly points out at The Hill NY Times turns up volume on ‘climate propaganda machine’ The New York Times announced last week that it will expand its coverage on climate change, just as the Trump administration plans to defund most federal climate programs and the global commitment to pay […]
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- Elwood P. Dowd on If All You See…: “You’re not disturbed that the IDF killed an American in the West Bank? I am. Vice President Harris described exactly…” Sep 11, 10:10
- L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! on Unsurprisingly, Kamala’s Climate (scam) Director Is A Wacko: “LOL, LOL. You are ALMOST as partisan and corrupt as an ABC moderator.” Sep 11, 09:57
- Elwood P. Dowd on If All You See…: “Shithead, Isn’t it curious that Republicun-dominated state legislatures are overturned by the popular vote on a topic? It’s almost as…” Sep 11, 09:48
- L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! on If All You See…: “The Israeli military killed an American in the West Bank, states Elwood. Well YOUR candidate came up with a new…” Sep 11, 09:29
- Elwood P. Dowd on We Need New Bread For An Overheated World Or Something: “Mr Teach asks: That whole 1.6F increase in 174 years has been dangerous, eh? Yes. And looking ahead, there’s no…” Sep 11, 09:22