Monthly Archives: August 2016

Are You Ready For The Climate Change World Prayer Day?

We can add this one on to Earth Day, Earth Hour, and all the various other spreading awareness times that accomplish nothing but make Warmists feel smug in righteousness, and then go right back to their big carbon footprint ways Global prayer day for Earth When the representatives of several faith communities gather in Albany […]

Why, Yes, Trump’s Policies Are Better For Blacks

As you noticed, Donald Trump is making an appeal for the Black vote, telling blacks specifically what the problems are in their communities and putting the blame on Democrats in a manner you never hear from Republicans. Democrats have locked down the black vote since the 70’s, and what has it gotten blacks? Take a […]

Team Obama: Hey, All Those Ocare Premium Increases Are A Good Thing!

While virtually everyone else is saying that the planned Obamacare premium hikes are a bad thing, Team Obama is spinning furiously (IBD) This week Illinois’ insurance regulator said ObamaCare premiums in the state will jump as high as 55%. The Obama administration’s response to this and other news of massive rate hikes: Don’t worry. Be […]

CNN Totally Debunks Hillary Health Conspiracy Or Something

Why? Because they’ve seen a letter from her doctor! The new birthers: Debunking the Hillary Clinton health conspiracy From Donald Trump and his top surrogates to the right-wing media and its engine rooms of outrage in the blogosphere, Hillary Clinton’s opponents are ramping up efforts to sow doubt over the candidate’s health. Much in the […]

If All You See…

…is a world turned to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on another crazy appearance by Sarah Palin.

Bummer: 10 Things That “Could” Disappear Due To Hotcoldwetdry

The Climaprognosticators are at it again 10 Things That Could Disappear in Your Lifetime, Thanks to Climate Change Though some American politicians continue to debate whether climate change is real, scientists have long sounded the warning bells that human-caused global warming is rapidly getting worse. Some warn that we may be close to the point […]

Special Snowflakes Have Hissy Fit Over New Gender Confused Signs At UNC

How important are the Bathrooms Wars? On a list of concerns of Americans, probably pretty low. Much like ‘climate change’. And, yes, illegal immigration. Things like the economy, jobs, and wages tend to rank higher. I’m sure you’re shocked. Yet, these issues keep cropping up, making it into the news, which tends to avoid exposing […]

NY Times Openly Sides With Al Qaeda Over Club Gitmo

Guantanamo Bay detention facility has long been a burr in the side of Democrats, as has the use of enhanced interrogation techniques used on members of the terrorist group al Qaeda, who, if Democrats would care to recall, attacked the United States on 9.11.2001, killing almost 3,000 people, not too mention all those who have […]

Most Americans Won’t Act On Climate Change, And The Media Is To Blame Or Something

No, really. So says the ever wacky, cultish leaning, George Soros financed Think Progress (btw, Joe Romm’s Climate Progress has totally been subsumed, and is now just a little tab at the website, rather than a huge part) Most Americans Won’t Act On Climate. The News Probably Isn’t Helping. A new study suggests some journalists […]

If All You See…

…is an ocean angry because Other People refuse to take 2 minute showers, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Intellectual Takeout, with a post on the U of Chicago pushing back on trigger warnings.

Pirate's Cove