And unlike during the Democrat controlled Congress, this legislation from Republicans will actually see a floor vote
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) isn’t wasting any time with his immigration agenda, dropping a bill on the first day of Congress that goes after birthright citizenship.
King’s measure would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act, ending automatic citizenship for anyone born in the country. Instead, the measure requires that only the children of citizens, legal immigrants permanently living in the country or immigrants in the military, be granted citizenship.
It is not necessary to amend the Constitution, specifically the 14th Amendment, as they can simply further define those who are “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”. Illegal immigrants, since they are, say it with me, liberals, i-lle-gal, are actually not subject to the jurisdiction of the USA, but of their home countries.
And in the States, we learn
A coalition of state legislators from 40 states unveiled a plan [Wednesday] morning to end the practice of giving automatic citizenship to all children born in the United States. Led by Pennsylvania State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, the group timed their press conference with the swearing in ceremony of the 112th Congress, hoping to send a message that Congress needs to actively address illegal immigration.
The United States and Canada are the only two developed nations, as determined by the World Bank, to still grant automatic citizenship to all children born in the country.
Wait, those wonderful European socialist/Progressive nations that Liberals love do not grant automatic citizenship? That’s strange? But, of course, this whole thing has driven some on the Left nuts, and they let their thoughts feelings shine through, like Lawyers, Guns, And Money
As if to provide a perfect example for Dahlia Lithwick’s demonstration of the superficial and selective nature of Tea Party reverence for the Constitution, Steve King has decided to open the new Congress by introducing a flagrantly unconstitutional law. And by “unconstitutional,†I don’t mean “contradicts one possible reading of an open-ended constitutional provision.†I mean “is inconsistent with the unambiguous, specific language of the Constitutionâ€:
And then there is Elizabeth Wydra, at the ACSblog, a massive group of liberals/lefties/progressives, who is obviously emotionally upset about excluding illegal aliens
In sum, the Citizenship Clause was proposed, enacted and ratified with the understanding that it granted automatic birthright citizenship to children born in the United States to alien parents.
Um……no. It was intended to give all Blacks, both slaves and free persons, immediate U.S. citizenship, with all the rights and privileges thereof. Government wasn’t particularly concerned with illegal aliens coming to the USA at the time. We had plenty of space back in the mid 1800’s, and immigrants weren’t coming here, refusing to learn the language, forming their own little non-English areas, demanding that all the roadsigns, government forms, etc, were written in their language, and so on. You know the rest. They came and joined our great melting pot, and become productive members of society. Now, they drain our services.
Of course, liberals do not care whether the legislation is actually Constitutional or not: they are simply upset that someone would attempt to be mean to a future Democrat voting block.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Sorry Teach citizenship by birth is settled law. It will take a Constitutional Amendment to change that
[…] Steve King (R-Iowa) Submits Bill To Stop Anchor Babies Of course, liberals do not care whether the legislation is actually Constitutional or not: they are simply upset that someone would attempt to be mean to a future Democrat voting block. […]
Sorry Teach citizenship by birth is settled law
It is not settled law at all, Ryan.
The 14th Amendment deals with the birth of children to former slaves that were being denied citizenship by, you guessed it, Democrats.
The amendment was passed at the backing of Republicans in order that the offspring of legal citizens could be counted as citizens.
That is totally different from what an “anchor baby” is.
Historically back through common law, no one – even innocent people – are allowed to profit from an illegal act.
As an example, you are not allowed to keep stolen property even if you did not realize it was stolen when you purchased it.
This is a very difficult issue for Democrats. On the one hand, they either have to support illegal acts (as you appear to be doing) or they have to back away from a part of the base they treasure so much – the illegal immigrant.
Clearly the right thing to do is to back away and distance themselves from people committing crimes. Yet as you demonstrate all the time, morality, ethics and doing the will of the American people is not a strong suit of the Democratic left.
janice sibug of 1631 el camino real #7 tustin ca 92780 was born to an illegal alien name ligaya fabian who jumpshipped her flight at lax from germany to canada.