I suppose it’s quite a bit easier to create a poster than to actually change one’s behavior to match one’s rhetoric
How do you sell the concept of sustainability? What are the phrases that you feel will move people toward sustainable design and business solutions?
This was the challenge posed by “Sustainable Refrainables,” a poster design competition run as a collaboration between Core77 and the San Francisco chapter of AIGA, the professional association for design, as a promotion for the latter’s upcoming Compostmodern conference. You can help the judging panel select just five winners from the multitude of great entries. But you’ve only three days left….
Personally, I sell my environmental beliefs by…….doing what I think is right. I walk the talk. And when I lightly attempt to convince others to do the same, I highlight that I myself do these things. Walking the talk is lost on the climate alarmists.
All the posters are here. And this is my favorite
(by Ujjawal)
That’s right, a mostly empty page, to match their mostly empty own actions.
BTW, there is absolutely nothing wrong with recycling, wise use, etc and so on. But, instead of browbeating others, and pushing this for globull warming reasons, they should, as the Bo knows, Just Do It.