Monthly Archives: November 2006

Turkey’s Attempt NJ Escape

Priceless, simply priceless Some wild turkeys, it appears, were trying to get out of New Jersey before Thanksgiving Day. A spokesman for the NJ Transit said train officials reported a dozen or so wild turkeys waiting on a station platform in Ramsey, about 20 miles northwest of New York City, on Wednesday afternoon. The line […]

Thanksgiving Pinup

  Happy Thanksgiving to all! Pinup doubleshot. This will also serve as a linkfest post, if there are any folks out there who are waiting around to go somewhere later. Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprical link back to me. Others offering open trackbacks are […]

Thanksgiving In Iraq

A nice story from Operation Iraqi Freedom Thanksgiving Day has historically been the biggest meal military dining facilities serve around the globe. This year’s banquet in Baghdad will be no exception. “We spent nearly $12 million on food for the troops in November,” said CWO 4 Shawn Malinowski, the Multi-National Division – Baghdad’s command food […]

Hey, Guess What, Libs? Darwinism At Work

You keep telling us about survival of the fittest, that God had no hand in creation, and Darwin is the the grand poobah. What do you have to say about this? Animal and plant species have begun dying off or changing sooner than predicted because of global warming, a review of hundreds of research studies […]

PSSSST! Update Your Blogs

I was checking blogs off my blogrolls, rather then the RSS program, and notices a lot of blogs hadn't been updated since October 23rd. That is incorrect for quite a few. October 23rd was when Blogrolling fixed the issue that kept sites from showing as updated, and, apparently there is still a problem. Many of […]

WTW: Indian Clerics Do The Right Thing

And a good morning, infidels, Prophet Sallami Sallami Mohammed here. Miscreant Michelle Malkin highlights a story of the glorious religion of peace from India LUCKNOW, India – Muslim clerics at a leading seminary in India have asked people to refrain from using verses from the Quran as ringtones for their mobile phones, saying the practice […]

WTW: Monkey Say No, Monkey Do

And a happy White Trash Wednesday, y'all. Jebediah here, and this story is simply a hoot A Mississippi mayor has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor weapons charges after carrying a handgun on church and school property, and a gun rights group thinks now would be a good time for him to step down from Mayors Against […]

Piss Off, CAIR

You simply have to love these guys. They back the what is, in fact, a violent religion. Sure, Christians, Jews, and other religions can be violent, but none of them are fighting for world domination in the name of their religion. It wasn't members of those religions who have hijacked airlines, killed passengers, blown planes […]

Nance Pelosi Joins The Nutroots, Plus Cut and Run

I find it very interesting that so many of the Democratic Congress critters post their nutty stuff within the Left-O-Sphere. Folks like Kerry, Conyers, Kennedy, John Edwards, Brad Miller, etc. Now, we have soon to be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi throwing some red meat to the Hufftards, with a post entitled "Bringing the […]

Global Nutroots Offers N.E.W. Plan For Iraq

Just when I thought it would be a boring political day, the global nutroots folks chime in Concerned citizens from over 150 countries have supported a campaign to run newspaper ads in the United States and United Kingdom today calling for a new strategy for Iraq, including a U.N.-led international peace conference. The effort is […]

Pirate's Cove