Monthly Archives: December 2004

The New, Redone, Will They Buy It Manifesto

By way of ISOU from TCF comes the Democratic Da Vinci Code. It makes more sense then the pre-election platform "Anybody but Bush," and the post election "no honor among thieves" and "blame everyone else." Ok, enough snarkiness. Will it fly? I see several problems with the Manifesto. First, the class warfare thing hasn’t worked […]

A great blog cruising method

A quick, simple way to peruse those on your blogroll is to go to Blogrolling, and, from the "home" menu, also know as Mission Control, choose the sidebar link. Very simple way to hit all the folks on your blogroll. This will probably not allow you to show up as coming from your blog, but, […]

This is Exactly What the Terrorists Want

From BBC Business: A US company has pulled out of a major contract to rebuild Iraq’s transport system after attacks on reconstruction efforts, Pentagon officials have said. Contrack International, of Arlington, Virginia, heads a coalition of firms working on a series of schemes. Its withdrawal from the $325m (£170m) contract in November is thought to […]

Wither the Blue

Seems as if the Blue states are quickly losing their populations, as folks move to Red States. I heard this during one of the very rare occasions I am out and about and able to listen to Rush, but, I still want to give Matt Margolis of Blogs for Bush the hat tip, since he […]

At Least Minnesota Fixed the Name

It’s official. Kerry has lost one electoral vote in Minnesota. Guess it cannot be fixed. Blimey!

Right and Left Can Agree, Now and Then

When it comes to this, from Pusillanimous Wanker, a Democrat and a Republican can agree. Even though it does come way of Atrios, I still agree. (original story here) ATLANTA — A federal judge on Monday denied an appeal for reinstatement by a University of Georgia cheerleading coach accused of mingling religion with team activities. […]

Teen Drug Use Drops: Blame Bush!

I thought that everything was bad under Bush? Or so liberals want us to believe. So, I guess this would be bad, then (registration required): Youth smoking and drug abuse declined again this year, concludes a federal study that also found marked progress over the last decade in persuading teens to avoid cigarettes and illicit […]

This Has Got to Be GOP FRAUD!

First, we had a Minnesotta Elector casting one of his votes for "Ewards." Yes, that is spelled correctly, according to the article. Now, we have the State of NY screwing up. Think about Kerry’s middle name. How soon will the Left complain that this is some vast, right wing conspiracy. I wonder what the law […]

Cannabalism in Liberal World

This is interesting. Very interesting: Some of the largest employers in Massachusetts have decided not to extend health benefits to spouses of gay and lesbian employees, saying their federally regulated health plans are not bound by the Massachusetts court ruling permitting gay marriage. These employers provide medical care through what are known as self-insured health […]

Apology Schmology

What is it nowadays with people saying "I’m Sorry?" It seems to me, from my perch in the crow’s nest, that some people don’t understand when to say "I’m sorry." Take these blighters, for example: Two Albanians who held 23 passengers hostage at gunpoint inside an Athens bus have apologised for their actions. Hmm. "I’m […]

Pirate's Cove