AGW Today: Adapt Or Die, Stop Cooking, Bad Booze

You said you wanted more hysteria, here you go

In the next decade, the effects of a rapidly warming climate could kill 5 million people—as many as live in Singapore or Finland. More than 99 percent of those deaths will likely occur in developing countries, and almost four-fifths are expected to happen in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. There could be as many as a million climate-related deaths each year by 2030 if nations don’t significantly cut planet-warming emissions, according to a report released Friday.

That was your crystal ball moment. Now for your eating moment

But you might want to pause before blaming climate change on tomato-hauling tractors and methane-belching cattle: Your kitchen is the single greatest contributor to carbon dioxide emissions in the food chain. By some estimates, cooking accounts for 37 percent of the greenhouse gases generated in a potato’s life cycle, almost twice as much as shipping them to market.

OK, climate alarmists, time to stop cooking your food. Please take pictures of you eating only raw meals, and send them in….what, you refuse? Bad climate alarmists, no biscuit! Unshockingly, this Washington Post story doesn’t allow comments. Make sure you ask Brian Palmer, the writer, if he has stopped cooking at Now your drinking moment

Murder in Detroit, overworked immigration judges, bruisers-for-hire on Indian reservations: If you’ve been reading Mother Jones lately, you’re probably ready for a stiff drink. Not so fast! In terms of greenhouse-gas emissions, US booze manufacturers release the annual equivalent of 1.9 million households. How’s that for a buzzkill? The good news is that you have choices. Here are a few tips for drowning your sorrows sustainably.

Great, now the alarmists are f***ing up our ability to drink.

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2 Responses to “AGW Today: Adapt Or Die, Stop Cooking, Bad Booze”

  1. captainfish says:

    Probably the best line of all “green”-time!!!

    “Here are a few tips for drowning your sorrows sustainably.”

    Because, when you are at rock bottom and your only thought and wish is to drown your sorrows and forget the world, what better way to save the world at the same time than to drink sustainably…….

  2. David says:

    These same environmental people are the ones that have already killed millions in Africa as a result of whithholding DDT. I would assume that the calculation for others dying will be further withholding of needed insecticides.

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