Daily Archives: September 20, 2023

Climate Cultists (and climahypocrites) Hate Free Speech

So, you have a ton of Elites taking long, fossil fueled trips to NYC for the UN meeting, and yammering about the climate crisis scam. How many took private jets and then were ferried around in low MPG limos/SUVs, with big retinues. And there’s former New Zealand Comrade Prime Minister Jacinda Ardean. I’m not sure […]

If All You See…

…is a big fossil fueled vehicle in a big carbon polluting nation, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on two old women sent to jail for blocking an abortion clinic.

Sanctuary City Denver Has Spent Over $23 Million On Migrants

Even though the mayor of Denver has said that Denver isn’t a sanctuary city, the Sheriff’s dept of the county of Denver stopped enforcing ICE detainers in 2014 and the city council codified that in 2017. So, a sanctuary city. So, a sanctuary city Liberal city’s costs for sheltering migrants nears $25 million The city […]

Climate Scientist Rainn Wilson Says Hotcoldwetdry Endangers Ice Cream

Now, if there was anything to anthropogenic climate change threatening ice cream, I might have to go all Fascist. I’ll cut down on most snacks and stuff, but, not ice cream Sorry Ice Cream Lovers—Rainn Wilson Just Told Us Climate Change Might “Endanger” the Treat Yesterday, if you walked through Union Square Park, you would […]

Republicans Pounce On Biden’s Really, Really Terrible Iran Deal

Or, is this seizing? Seriously, any CEO who made a deal this bad would be immediately fired with no golden parachute. If Trump made this deal the Democrats would already have articles of impeachment submitted, and, if they controlled the House, they’d be starting an impeachment trial by Monday. And there might be enough GOP […]

Pirate's Cove